Somewhat funny story as a bc-er


Well-Known Member
Just thought i would share a funny (to me anyway)...story. This goes out to all the people who are talking about bc, bc-depression,anxiety or just plain out compliments on hair.

Ever since i bc- to a fade, i recieved alot of compliments on how i looks so nice, and how it suits my face, and alot of "you should be a model" anyway. I have been really happy about having short hair, because i always wanted that Jada Pinkett (back in the day) pixie look. Just a lil background my hair was not in bad shape or anything before i chopped i just wanted to go natural and i decided to chop now instead of later.

Anyway i been loving this short almost do nothing hair. Been loving the attention i been recieving, and the stares. ( I decide all that stare are admires: :rolleyes:)

Now that my hair is growing out to a premature afro :lachen:i have been experiencing the SIR phenomena (sp). Atleast once a week i have been called sir! :lachen:Mostly at work, where everyone where's the same uniform, and once in the store wearing a clearly feminine outfit and make up. Today at work i was approached from the back by some woman. She was a distance away and kept yelling SIR, SIR SIR. I was like i know she's not talking to me so i didnt turn around, until she got real close. Then when i turned around, she looked like someone slapped her face. :blush: Im started to wonder how "manly" i look. Im tall but petite, and if i saw a man that looked like me i would think he had sugar in his tank, or something.

Long story short. I love my short hair and would take being called SIR once a week any time over looking a hot mess!

So to all those who have anxiety about big chopping or anything like it, just hold your head up and flaunt it.:grin:

Good day, Sir :lachen:
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OMG Addy your hair is HOT and you're absolutely beautiful to boot. I can't imagine how someone could mistake you for a man........all I could chalk that up to is that they need LASIK:lachen:. Anyway, I'm definitely with the majority on this one, you look like model material.
OMG :lachen:
Im tall but petite, and if i saw a man that looked like me i would think he had sugar in his tank, or something.

I just saw your siggie picture and you clearly do not look like a man. I say enjoy your hair and ignore those dummies LOL
You look very femeniine, maybe is the uniform and ppl that think short hair is *not* for women.

Ok, so mt story:
I'm like 2 to 2.5 inches, my hair is not ALL curly, but i have some spaces that the curl is soo tight it seems to be a "spring". DH always pull them and say : "Toing" trying to make a spring noise xD.
I just thought this is funny! Now its like a running joke....When i was at target with my sons father, and some woman was trying to get by and was like excuse me sir, i thought :maybe she said sorry and i didnt hear, then he was like "did she just call you sir" i didnt think he heard. We laughed so hard!

Either way i love my hair, and thanks for listening to this silliness!
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You do not look manly at all,I mean come on now some people are unbelivable,maybe its the uniform but girl you look great with your twa.
Honey You look Great, even if You had on a baseball cap and sun glasses, it is Very clear that You are a Beautiful Woman, You strut Your stuff Darling!