Some Days I Feel Like Relaxing...


New Member
Being totally honest here... There are some days- not very often- that I am like "What am I doing? I can't do this natural thing!!!" It's usually when I am fighting shrinkage. I miss having straight long hair then but when my hair is flat-ironed, I'm looking more at all the beautiful natural heads so it's not even like I would want to flat-iron more often. :perplexed

Anyway what stops me from thinking seriously about getting a relaxer is just the fact that I love my natural hair :drunk: and would miss it so much! I also know that if I ever relaxed or texlaxed, I would want to go back and honestly, while it was fun, I just cannot do the big chop thing again!

Anyone else feel that way? What stops you from going there?
Yes i find myself on the Mazani website looking at those butter blend relaxers and thinking "well i know more about relaxers as a natural then i did a few years ago while relaxed, i can do it and take care of it".

But i soon snap out of it! I think it is normal to have those feelings sometimes. My setback a few months back had me on the edge of fire creaming myself.

My hair is longer now than it was when i was relaxed. Don't fix whats not broken. If i want the straight look...thats what flatirons are for, right?!
Yes i find myself on the Mazani website looking at those butter blend relaxers and thinking "well i know more about relaxers as a natural then i did a few years ago while relaxed, i can do it and take care of it".

But i soon snap out of it! I think it is normal to have those feelings sometimes. My setback a few months back had me on the edge of fire creaming myself.

My hair is longer now than it was when i was relaxed. Don't fix whats not broken. If i want the straight look...thats what flatirons are for, right?!

:yep::yep: My thoughts exactly!
Yeah- I hear you all. Thanks. I guess my struggle is just with waiting for my hair to be/look longer again. I'm not going back either- just need to be patient with my shrinkage. ;)
Transitioner here. :hiya2: My thoughts for now, I no longer want the thinness that comes with relaxers and the thought of paying some to do that to me. :nono: I've always had long, sometimes very long, thin hair. Now I just feel connected to my natural hair and that it gives me the option to be wavy or straight.
LOL this is my first post. (you made me break the silence)

I feel the same way right now, sometimes get random thoughts about texturizing my hair. :ohwell:

I do know more about how to care for chemically altered hair, but at the same time I would feel like a punk (for some reason) If i chemically alter my hair again. I vowed to never do it again on another hair board (because of the damage that happen under the skin & ingredients). Sometimes this 3c-4a-b hair becomes a hot mess to detangle, moisturize & seal, avoid breakage, and find styles that suit my 4-5 inches of hair. :cry3:

I guess JinaRicci we will both get through this thing together.:alcoholic
I have been thinking about relaxing ALL THE TIME as of late. My ends and single strand knots have me wanting to just say the heck with it and relax. I never had "troubled" relaxed hair well until the Phyto relaxer. I'm just afraid to relax and that's pretty much the only reason I don't. I'd want to be a DIYer and I'm scared.
I have been thinking about relaxing ALL THE TIME as of late. My ends and single strand knots have me wanting to just say the heck with it and relax. I never had "troubled" relaxed hair well until the Phyto relaxer. I'm just afraid to relax and that's pretty much the only reason I don't. I'd want to be a DIYer and I'm scared.

Yes the single strand knots is very sad. I've been over processed most of my relaxed life. Your not the only one out there scared to relax, because I might instantly hate it and want to transition again. I've tried asking some of my hair role models I've got some good advice, but from some of the "BIG" hair role models never got back to me.:look:
that's why i am getting a btk treatment this weekend to compromise. i hate my single strand knots and my hair is annoying. if it doesn't work i am going to relax. i am ready for something new that doesn't involve knots and dryness.
Yes the single strand knots is very sad. I've been over processed most of my relaxed life. Your not the only one out there scared to relax, because I might instantly hate it and want to transition again. I've tried asking some of my hair role models I've got some good advice, but from some of the "BIG" hair role models never got back to me.:look:

Well my thing is transitioning again would be bad if I hated it.

To the bold: With some of the big hair role model they get so many emails and such that it takes a while (if ever lol) for them to get back to you. Sometimes searching their older post can help you find the info you're looking for.

BKT is scarier than relaxers to me for some reason.
Yes the single strand knots is very sad. I've been over processed most of my relaxed life. Your not the only one out there scared to relax, because I might instantly hate it and want to transition again. I've tried asking some of my hair role models I've got some good advice, but from some of the "BIG" hair role models never got back to me.:look:

The single strand knot issue is very frustrating, but one thing that might help is braiding and twisting. I have been experiencing lots and lots of single-strand knots at my ends and I firmly believe that it's due to me not being in any protective style. I also haven't been baggying it at night, and I'm contemplating the role that constant manipulation (through daily co-washes) might be having on the issue.
The single strand knot issue is very frustrating, but one thing that might help is braiding and twisting. I have been experiencing lots and lots of single-strand knots at my ends and I firmly believe that it's due to me not being in any protective style. I also haven't been baggying it at night, and I'm contemplating the role that constant manipulation (through daily co-washes) might be having on the issue.

My hair loves braids, but hates twist. I get bad tangles with twist. I dont have many styling options. Im trying to fill in my hair line, from wearing kinky twist all year. I wore a puff today probuly shouldnt but I'll think of something to do. Im a :newbie:
The single strand knot issue is very frustrating, but one thing that might help is braiding and twisting. I have been experiencing lots and lots of single-strand knots at my ends and I firmly believe that it's due to me not being in any protective style. I also haven't been baggying it at night, and I'm contemplating the role that constant manipulation (through daily co-washes) might be having on the issue.

im in twists or braids 3/4 of the year. i almost never wear my hair loose and i have single strand knots like whoa.
:sad: i sometimes feel like my natural hair or my hair period and i are not friends:perplexed
The only natural style I can do really is 2 strand twists. I don't think they favor me because I look so juvenile. I want to be a strait haired natural. :rolleyes: I am only interested in relaxing because it helps maintaining a strait look a lot easier. I am still transitioning though, but I hears whispers of ORS calling me.:lachen:
im in twists or braids 3/4 of the year. i almost never wear my hair loose and i have single strand knots like whoa.
:sad: i sometimes feel like my natural hair or my hair period and i are not friends:perplexed

I'm in braids 97.5% of the time and my ends are still jack and I have single strand knots. I baby my hair, use good products and trim my ends regularly and still :nono:. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if it's just how my hair is.
Okay ladies can we all over come the fear of relaxing/thought and the single stand knots ?

I know one of the suggestions would be protective styling, trimming & babying ends, moisture, and dont know about the random relaxing/tex thoughts yet.

Suggestions ? anyone ??? :drunk: