Soccer pratice...


So the girls on my team were like ...'Girl your so lucky you can cut off all your hair and still look cute with it' Mind you I'm the only black girl on the team...

then they started talking about growth and stuff and i told 'em vitmans and stuff then later on they were like I dunno why black girls want to relax their hair it looks so cute natrual and plus some of them have straggly ends and look so dried out...:lachen:

It wont look so bad if they had heathly head of hair like yours!:eek:
(im sitting here like erm...:look: ..its getting there but not yet heathly) so then i told them that many black girls dont have the rigth tools and knowage now how to maintain nice hair because I know a few girls with the BOMB hair. with hair half way down their back or better.(thinking of LHCF's) and they were shocked..hahha :D ....
ya i cut it like middle to late aguest then i cut off all the right of the relaxed ends im gonna show some pictures soon..:)