So... Where's The LHCF YouTube Channel?


New Member
It's right to complain about the misinformation that typef and others are putting out there. And then after complaining? Then what? I'm thinking just about EVERY bit of information on hair care for Women of Color is right here, on this board. And if you want the 411 on products, just click search and dozens, even hundreds of threads with valuable info is right there. So.... why not a LHCF youtube channel? I'm thinking, why not put the written words into video format? I think it could be massive. Is LHCF interested in doing one?

(Forgive me if this has already been asked and answered.)
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But does LHCF need an channel when tons of our members have their own individual channels and a select few even have their own forums and blogs that are based off the info. received here.

IDK, I think we're already doing our part in that regard.
I think most members actually avoid putting the specific LHCF name out there (no desire for trolls or picking up folks who are impatient, unwilling to work, looking for quick fixes) and would prefer to just provide the info by itself.
This isn't LHCF's fault nor problem and members here shouldn't feel guilty because they said something about what they saw to be unhealthy hair advice. I think LHCF as a forum does a lot with arming people with healthy hair care advice and if it doesn't want to go the video route, then why should it. If you want that, there is CurlyNikki and Kimmaytube among many others. There are MANY youtubers who offer good hair advice.
LHCF can not be the savior of the hair world. I think we're doing enough already arming thousands of women with information on healthy hair, inspiring individuals to chart new territory with blogs, forums, YouTube channels, books, and hair products. We indirectly increase revenue for good practitioners, and hundreds of hair products, thus rewarding people who have formulated good products and services. We have members sharing their experiences by word of mouth with family and friends (one of the most effective ways to advertise anything). I don't think we need to go into video. Who would determine what goes on there and who would moderate it? How would we get a consensus on what we want to share and what we want to keep? Is the world really ready for our quirks, coochie cream and all?

I think some things like LHCF need to be found by people who are truly searching for information. LHCF is really not that hard to find, a few key words and it's all over Google. When a person gets to that point, she is more willing to do the work and put in the time. There's enough hair info being shoved at those we already consider to be hair-ignorant (via the media I mentioned above), next we will be force-feeding conditioner to people's hair in our bid for hair world domination.

No, LHCF should maintain its 'brand purity.' It is a FORUM for women to come in and discuss hair and other issues that concern us.
This isn't LHCF's fault nor problem and members here shouldn't feel guilty because they said something about what they saw to be unhealthy hair advice. I think LHCF as a forum does a lot with arming people with healthy hair care advice and if it doesn't want to go the video route, then why should it. If you want that, there is CurlyNikki and Kimmaytube among many others. There are MANY youtubers who offer good hair advice.

Perhaps you misunderstood me or perhaps I didn't express myself well enough. I did not say, and I do not mean to imply, that the typef videos or any other tomfoolery is LHCF's fault or that members should feel guilty for complaining about that series of horrible videos. :perplexed That would be a silly assertion, wouldn't it?

I was merely suggesting that b/c this site obviously does a lot with arming people with advice and has just about every answer to any hair care question Women of Color could have, it would be awesome if there were a LHCF youtube channel. I was certainly happy to find this forum when I did, as beforehand my hair care knowledge was minimal to say the least. My only thought was that that the collective forum knowledge and experience that is helping me and others so much might disseminate all the better and to a wider audience on a dedicated youtube channel.

I thought that if tomfoolery like typef can get that much internet attention posting a bunch of nonsense, then imagine what the collective knowledge and experience of the sort found on this forum could do if it was on a dedicated Youtube channel. That's what I was thinking. :ohwell:

Also, I had thought that maybe this question had already been asked and answered before. And I apologized in advance if it had, as I do not want to be presumptuous. That's in my first post. :)
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I like the idea of putting up videos on LHCF, I don't know how well it will work having one setup on YouTube. Now with blogs and YouTube it is also allows someone to make some money in the process so I don't know if people are willing to do so here as well.
Perhaps you misunderstood me or perhaps I didn't express myself well enough. I did not say, and I do not mean to imply, that the typef videos or any other tomfoolery is LHCF's fault or that members should feel guilty for complaining about that series of horrible videos. :perplexed That would be a silly assertion, wouldn't it?

I was merely suggesting that b/c this site obviously does a lot with arming people with advice and has just about every answer to any hair care question Women of Color could have, it would be awesome if there were a LHCF youtube channel. I was certainly happy to find this forum when I did, as beforehand my hair care knowledge was minimal to say the least. My only thought was that that the collective forum knowledge and experience that is helping me and others so much might disseminate all the better and to a wider audience on a dedicated youtube channel.

I thought that if tomfoolery like typef can get that much internet attention posting a bunch of nonsense, then imagine what the collective knowledge and experience of the sort found on this forum could do if it was on a dedicated Youtube channel. That's what I was thinking. :ohwell:

Also, I had thought that maybe this question had already been asked and answered before. And I apologized in advance if it had, as I do not want to be presumptuous. That's in my first post. :)
Still don't think this is a good idea. There are so many women here and so many ways of doing things. But who knows, maybe it could work?
I think it is a great idea; a LHCF youtube channel that references or has links to all of the ladies that are LHCF members that give good advice. I think that would help keep the LHCF name unsullied and usher in new members--plus it is just a natural progression or growth of the forum---we post the vids now anyway...linking it makes sense.. Just my opinion.
A lot of the women on LHCF already have vlogs on youtube. Condensing them into one channel would be awesome! Like Typef, but unlike typef :giggle: we can upload our videos via lhcf's youtube site to make it easier to find....I like that :yep:
Still don't think this is a good idea. There are so many women here and so many ways of doing things. But who knows, maybe it could work?

I respect your viewpoint. I can see from some of the other posts that there are some solid arguments against doing it. On balance though, I still think it would be great to do; in some widely available format if not necessarily on youtube. :)

Do you or anyone else know if LHCF has already contemplated this before?

(Also, I'm thinking that it was me not expressing myself well enough in the initial post. Honestly, I meant no offense to anyone. :blush:)
A lot of the women on LHCF already have vlogs on youtube. Condensing them into one channel would be awesome! Like Typef, but unlike typef :giggle: we can upload our videos via lhcf's youtube site to make it easier to find....I like that :yep:

Exactly :lachen:
I dont know about a video for every little thing that gets posted around here because if that was the case we would have hair care videos on breast milk...

But I do think it would be nice if the Member of the Month got a video telling how she accomplished their hair goals and the type of work they put into it. (that is if they wanted to be on youtube.)