So what are YOU & your HAIR doing this weekend?


New Member
Okay I know we are all recovering pj's, and are in at least 5 challanges, but its the weekend before valentines and my hair wants to be pampered. So I have decided to:

1. Do a clarifying poo
2. Aveda damage remedy treatment
3. Honey hair mask (my new best friend)

Anyone else have special plans for the weekend? Do share ladies :angel:
Deep condition on dry hair and detangle for about an hour as usual!..booorring.

OT: Our names are so similiar that I read the name and I thought I made the post.:lol:
me and my hair are going to the dominican salon to get a wash deep condition and set. i REALLY want to put a clear rinse in my hair but the salon I go to charges too much just to put it in.
I was thinking about doing a relaxer touch-up, the first one since my virgin

relaxer in Nov. It's almost 12 weeks. I may not 'cause just like ooold

times, I've had an itch or two and scratched my scalp. No real itchies or

anything, just kinda reflex-y. Oops, I just did it again :ohwell: so, I don't know.

I want to henna again, something awful. (grays) I have plenty of henna at

home, but I'm in Southern Cali, and I'm trying not to place another

internet order. I wish I could find an Indian store.
Washing, DC, and roller setting again for the week.

I want to wash it today, But I'll leave it for tomorrow, so that my roller set is 'fresh' for monday.
I am gonna wash my hair out tonight with water only, (to get excess oil out)then apply vatica oil or my mixture of amla, coconut, almond and castor oil to damp hair.

I'll baggy my whole head and leave this mixture in till tomorrow morning then wash hair with dabur henna cream conditioning shampoo, and DC with good ol cholestorol.
Last night I slathered some Back to Basics Ginger Therapy on my hair. My hair did not like this conditioner when I first tried it early last month and I have two 33.3 ounce bottles of it and was not happy, but I tried it again this week and my hair now loves it. It has ginger root, ivy and wheatgerm in it and it makes my hair feel wonderful.

I will wash my hair in the shower in a few hours with Nubian Heritage Raw Shea Butter soap with soymilk, frankincense and myrhh and, about 6:00 pm, take a nice, long hot bath with a book and a glass of Pepsi (I am on the Sweet Success Challenge for I let myself have my favorite thing -- Pepsi -- on the weekends).

After that, I have some powdered herbs of rosemary, oatstraw, kelp, irish moss, horsetail, fenugreek and barley grass in a storage container in my fridge, so I will add to some Africa's Best Organics mayonnaise and let it stay on for a half hour or so -- great tingle. This will be in place of using my protein rich conditioner. I will add some coconut cream, honey and rose petal powder to my moisture mix conditioner - yummy....
oooooh. What is a "honey hair masque"? Is it homemade or store bought?

Me and my hair did a Glover's oil treatment, clarifying poo and wash with my trusty CON. My regimen hasn't changed much in the past few months. I have deep conditioned in awhile. But my hair doesn't seem to miss it.
I am DC'ing under the dryer as I type. I washed and DC with KeraCare and will do my rollerset. I'm glad I got up out the bed this morning to do this, that way I have the rest of the day to myself because washing my hair can turn into an event.
Ive decided that i am ready to try Henna for the coloring effects...... so i am gonna try to make it to the grocery store to pick up some Lemon Juice, so i can make my Henna mix and let it sit.... then apply it!!! :eek:

Cant wait to see the results!!! :grin: Prior to now, i had been using it for conditioning/thickening effects only..... but ive decided that i need a change for the 07, and it was either this or cutting bangs!!! :D Wish me luck!!!!
Oh yeah! I also wanted to pick up a good clarifying shampoo. Ive never clarified before in my life, and i wanna start........ so i'll be keeping my eyes peeled for that as well. If I dont end up Henna'ing, i will at the very least clarify and DC! I bought a new free-standing hood dryer, and am eager to try it out!!! :D
Since there seems to be so much buzz about clarifying, I am going to follow suit, get some - maybe paul mitchell, then put a protein treatment aphogee & follow up with a nice steaming treatment of aveda damage remedy.
KiniKakes said:
Ive decided that i am ready to try Henna for the coloring effects...... so i am gonna try to make it to the grocery store to pick up some Lemon Juice, so i can make my Henna mix and let it sit.... then apply it!!! :eek:

Cant wait to see the results!!! :grin: Prior to now, i had been using it for conditioning/thickening effects only..... but ive decided that i need a change for the 07, and it was either this or cutting bangs!!! :D Wish me luck!!!!

I'm telling you and your hair better plan on taking pics this weekend :lol: :lol: j/k. We wanna see the henna coloring updates, please :look: .

Also, I'm assuming that you're getting the henna locally. Would you mind letting me know where you pick some up?
OneInAMillion said:
I'm telling you and your hair better plan on taking pics this weekend :lol: :lol: j/k. We wanna see the henna coloring updates, please :look: .

Also, I'm assuming that you're getting the henna locally. Would you mind letting me know where you pick some up?

I will defintiely take pics, promise!!!!! :D

You know whats really sad, I live in NYC and have NO idea where to find an Indian grocery store that carries Henna. :eek: *smh* So as a result, i order my Jamilla Henna from, shipping/handling costs and all. *smh* I usually order a good amount at one time, so i have several boxes left in the freezer to use up before its time for me to order again.

So girl, if u do know of any Indian/Pakistani spots in the Brooklyn area, please do forward that info to me!!!! :)
I did my normal Poo, DC but I used Lacio Lacio as a leave in. Wow! I'm in luv with my hair all over again. I gave myself a pass to flat iron my air dried hair and I must say it looks fab! I hope that I don't make this flat ironing thing a regular practice. I could really use a trim. I am not brave enough to dust the ends myself and I trust no one at this point to do it for me.
I am going back to the salon (went 2 weeks ago for a relaxer) to get HIGHLIGHTS!!!!!

It's been about a year and a half since I last had them and I am really excited, so wish me luck!!