So this is what a setback feels like

Bun Mistress

Well-Known Member
I want to start off by saying I don't know what I was thinking.

So today after not putting a comb in my hair for 4 weeks, I for some reason decided to conditioner comb out my hair. (I think I felt guilty but really my finger combing was doing just fine) So as I was doing this I got the center of my head where my tangles hide and started noticing litler short pieces on my hands.
then longer
and longer
and now my pony tail feels smaller and I'm still seeing these broken pieces.
Again what was I thinking!!!! I will have to see how my hair dries. I may be doing the BC 17 months earlier than planned. :sad:
Sorry to hear what happened... Wait and see how it looks and feels when it dries.... what type of comb did you use?

You may be able to hide the broken areas until it grows out.
I think it always seems worse than it as at first.
Wait until your hair is dry and styled to see if you lost much length or thickness. Then you can baby your hair and nurture it back to health.

I made this mistake after taking braids out of my DD transitioning hair. I thought I was going to have to cut it. But I took my time (2 hours) to detangle and dry it and thankfully it wasn't as bad as I thought. Her hair is doing well now and growing nicely. She does have some thinning/breakage from transitioning but I gave her an Aphogee two step protein treatment on Monday.
I’m so sorry to hear what happened I know how frustrating it can be, I’m sure you will be able to detangle it will probably take a little extra time. Wishing you lots of luck :)
Don't have thoughts about BC'ing just yet. What I'd do in a similar situation is - clarify and start all over again by doing a light protein treatment then DC'ing with a moisturising con, then use porosity control for a minute right after rinsing out my DC. <-- Making sure I detangle really well.

We all learn from our mistakes, your hair will be fine :-)

I am sure it's nowhere as bad as what you initially thought :-)