so lost and confused trying to find some info i found on here before


New Member
hey im SO NEW to this...... i have apl hair.... thats all i know. im steady trying to learn the lingo here...but once before i found a thread that talked about this product and the there was a link to the product.... the website was very informational talked about how to grow hair..and it said that the key to doing so was to keep the ends in tact and to keep them from breaking off and also had a list of it products and then before anf after pics of women with reallly long hair! unfortunately i have not been able to find the link on was or something...but when i try to search it in google i get nothing!! i really need someone's help..does anyone know what i may be talking about? im so excited to join tho forum i will get some pics up asap and also... where do i start!?!?!? to learn all the lingo anf such? should i just go to the VERY 1st thread?? wow!! ill do what it takes.... thanks and i look forward to gettin to know all the info about hair i possibly can and sharing info as i grow in this thread!

thanks for any help you all can give me!
Alot of newbies start here.

Sistaslick gives great advice.

Sistaslick gives alot of great advice about different hair problems and how to work at fixing them.

If you are a self relaxer, here is a support thread.

Remember oils are your friend.

And for the LHCF lingo here's another thread.

I hope this helps a bit.