So I went to a Deva stylist...


Well-Known Member
...And got a color and Deva cut.:grin:
I went to Debra at Salon Savoy here in Gainesville FL. She was an older Caucasian woman, but knew and appreciated curls.

The experience was great. She used all Deva products and they worked well on my hair.

What she did:
  • I went in with WnG hair, fully dry and she did a lot of inspecting the strands and color matching.
  • She cut individual snips dry first to shape allover, then added deposit color to cover my gray hair (which was outstanding after it was done).
  • She washed two times (I'm assuming DevaCare NoPoo, but I didin't ask) and added Deva One Condition and finger detangled while in the bowl.
  • She didn't plop or rinse conditioner and took me back with the soaking wet hair and then trimmed again (dusted ends maybe 1/2 inch at the most in some places) wet while my hair was full of One Condition.
  • Added metal clips in the top for height
  • Diffused dry and then finger fluffed

my hair before (including siggy pic):


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my hair after:


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Thanks, ladies! She didn't cut a lot, but it really made the shape a lot better and the gray is gone, gone, gone....(henna was *not* :look: my friend...)
Beautiful! :yep:

I'm looking for someone to shape my hair and cannot for the life of me find anyone who is willing to cut my hair without straightening it!!
Gainesville's getting fancy, huh? :lol: When I was in undergrad I walked into the budget salon in the Reitz Union to get my relaxed hair trimmed and the moment I hit the threshold of the door someone yelled out "the black woman's not here." :look:

I may look into this salon for the next time I'm up there. I always wanted a cut suited for curly hair.

Yours looks great! :grin:
Gainesville's getting fancy, huh? :lol: When I was in undergrad I walked into the budget salon in the Reitz Union to get my relaxed hair trimmed and the moment I hit the threshold of the door someone yelled out "the black woman's not here." :look:

I may look into this salon for the next time I'm up there. I always wanted a cut suited for curly hair.

Yours looks great! :grin:

manter26; Why did this make me laugh out loud?!?:lol: Debra was the stylist. I found her on the Deva care website. She's been through their training and uses their products. She's been doing hair for like 40 years:look:
manter26; Why did this make me laugh out loud?!?:lol: Debra was the stylist. I found her on the Deva care website. She's been through their training and uses their products. She's been doing hair for like 40 years:look:

:lol: It was such an awkward moment at the time. I tried to yell back that I just needed a trim and they replied "she's not here." So I backed out of the door, didn't even turn around...just reversed. :lachen: I didn't get my hair done in that city until graduation when I had no other choice.

Do you have the link? I can't find the list of trained stylist on the webpage. Maybe there's one in Orlando. I never thought to look before now. TIA
Loving it, the color is so rich and your hair has some shine to it. Looks about the same in length even though she trimmed it up.
:lol: It was such an awkward moment at the time. I tried to yell back that I just needed a trim and they replied "she's not here." So I backed out of the door, didn't even turn around...just reversed. :lachen: I didn't get my hair done in that city until graduation when I had no other choice.

Do you have the link? I can't find the list of trained stylist on the webpage. Maybe there's one in Orlando. I never thought to look before now. TIA

manter26: LOL. This is the link I used. There prolly is someone in Orlando :yep:
Loving it, the color is so rich and your hair has some shine to it. Looks about the same in length even though she trimmed it up.

Thanks!! :yep: The color was my favorite part of the experience, a really rich warm, dark brown color...That's what I liked about the cut...she just took like little random pieces of hair and snipped, but it was never like all the way across or true layering. There was only a few little coils on the floor, but my hair just looks much better shaped
Very pretty! I like the shape and the color looks so rich!

eta: I am truly impressed! I will be looking for a Deva stylist whenever I do go to a salon!
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FindingMe - Very cute! My last stylist cut my hair almost the exact same way yours did. She cut hair natural/curly only - not straightened. Though she's a straight haired white woman, she's obsessed with kinks and curls. LOL