New Member
So I got to wondering if all these oils and protein treatments and conditioners had caused buildup and decided to use a clarifying shampoo. Something I'd never done before. My hair felt clean like it hasn't felt in forever but somewhat stripped too. Not good. I decided moisture was called for. I did a moisturizing conditioner with coconut and avocado oil but my hair still felt stripped. Then I had the idea to mix some some Roux Porosity control and honey and put it on my hair with a shower cap on DRY HAIR and sit around the house for a few hours. I rinsed it out with warm water and Wow! Just Wow!!!! My hair had SLIP like you wouldn't believe. It was silky, silky, silky and tangle free and easy to comb wet. All I can say is my hair felt strong and supple,with lot of ELASTICITY and SLIP. I just did a porosiy test with two strands I found that still had the white root bulb so I know it's shed not breakage and my hair floated. Silly me, I was praying it would sink then I googled the test and saw that you want the hair to float not sink!
duh! I am DEFINITELY making this step a regular part of my normal routine!! I was so excited, I had to share, so forgive me if this is common knowlege, but it's a new discovery for me and I feel like I discovered gold! 

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