So I have folliculitis...


Well-Known Member
I'm so over my hair--no, my whole head--I'm ready to scalp myself. I have developed the WORST, most painful scalp condition yet--folliculitis. I posted earlier about scalp pain and said I thought it was signaling more shedding, till I realized my scalp is actually covered in painful little zit-like bumps. This is gross--they have pus in them. EW! And it hurts like a *****, all the time. The constant throbbing is getting better, but I'm worried now about scarring. I already had a diagnosis of scarring alopecia and this is really the last thing I need.

I'm getting really fed up with all the hair drama. I keep my hair and body clean, but I started working out pretty much every day about a month ago and suspect sweating in my hair caused it. I'll be washing my hair more often I guess; I hope it won't be too much manipulation.

One day I'll have something positive to post about my hair journey, I'm sure. I am at least hoping that if I can figure out the cause of this and it's NOT from sweat (cause I'm not gonna stop exercising), maybe I can get closer to figuring out the thinning too.

I am so sorry to hear about your condition.

I have never heard of this, but I hope that your solution (more hair pooing) will help resolve this.

It's a bear losing your hair (believe me I feel ya!).
I'm still trying to recover from lots of thinning on the very top/front of my head.

Let us know how you're doing & if we can help in any way.

Many hair blessings to you!!!
I am really sorry about your situation. I wish I knew of something to help you through this, but the only thing that I know to do is pray. Therefore, I am praying that God restores your scalp/hair to its former glory.
i know that's inflammation of the follicles, right? So what did the doctor say? How can you get this problem resolved?

These are some links from a search I did under "folliculitis natural remedies".

The second to last is a blog entry and she mentioned a few interesting tidbits. The last goes through a lot I'm sure you know and then if you scroll down identifies a lot of alternative remedies.

I hope something there is helpful. I work with a lot of herbs and essential oils and I really believe that they hold your answer. The staph infection that causes folliculitis is working on a microscopic level to make damage visible to the naked eye. Herbs and essential oils work on that same level to make HEALING visible. The planet came ready to supply our every need. Trust it. :)

Intuit which natural remedy would be the best course.

Praying you well as always.

patient1 said:

These are some links from a search I did under "folliculitis natural remedies".

The second to last is a blog entry and she mentioned a few interesting tidbits. The last goes through a lot I'm sure you know and then if you scroll down identifies a lot of alternative remedies.

I hope something there is helpful. I work with a lot of herbs and essential oils and I really believe that they hold your answer. The staph infection that causes folliculitis is working on a microscopic level to make damage visible to the naked eye. Herbs and essential oils work on that same level to make HEALING visible. The planet came ready to supply our every need. Trust it. :)

Intuit which natural remedy would be the best course.

Praying you well as always.


P1 I loved your response. I hope she can find a natural solution to her problem-it looks like you put her onto a great path.
Awwww Blu...I know you've had a hard time, and I'm sorry to hear this. I was once diagnosed with folliculitis of my bikini area, and it was NO fun. Fortunately, it cleared up on its own after a year or so, but I know that dealing with that on your scalp must be the worst since you can see it and deal with the way you could another surface.

P1 has provided some excellent advice, and I second that. Nature's remedies are amazing and cost-effective.

Good luck, and please keep us posted. :kiss:
{{{{HUGS}}} blu.

i have to cosign with patient1. try the natural remedies first.

make sure you stop using any other topical remedies you may be already using as these may interfere with or delay their benefits.

it'll be ok - i know it will.
Thanks, ladies--and DI, I appreciate you sharing your experience with it and I'm so glad to hear yours cleared up. P1, I read your links with interest; I want to try the tea tree oil but I'm scared it will burn; my scalp is super-sensitive right now. The big fun is that it also itches, but if I try to scratch even a little it hurts like hades. I washed today with T-Gel and it feels better, but I can't wash it everyday, so I want to use something else.

Since it's not normally supposed to be painful I am going to call the doc in the morning; they never have any answers and I'll end up going natural anyway per usual, but I'm mostly worried about losing more hair and want to make sure I haven't missed something because it hurts so much. I'll keep you guys posted...
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Blu217 said:
Thanks, ladies--and DI, I appreciate you sharing your experience with it and I'm so glad to hear yours cleared up. P1, I read your links with interest; I want to try the tea tree oil but I'm scared it will burn; my scalp is super-sensitive right now. The big fun is that it also itches, but if I try to scratch even a little it hurts like hades. I washed today with T-Gel and it feels better, but I can't wash it everyday, so I want to use something else.

Since it's not normally supposed to be painful I am going to call the doc in the morning; they never have any answers and I'll end up going natural anyway per usual, but I'm mostly worried about losing more hair and want to make sure I haven't missed something because it hurts so much. I'll keep you guys posted...

Yeah, I meant to mention the pain part of it because although my lesions were pesky, sometimes itchy, and unsightly, they weren't painful. Occasionally, there would be one or two pimples that would swell and be sore, but still, not throbbing.

Maybe you could try diluting tea tree oil with a carrier like jojoba oil since it's closest to the scalp's sebum.

Also, you may want to see a natural medicene practitioner. S/he could recommend a variety of options and keep working with you until you found something that worked.

I admire your courage and attitude. :yep: That will help speed your healing.
Divine Inspiration said:
Maybe you could try diluting tea tree oil with a carrier like jojoba oil since it's closest to the scalp's sebum.

Great advice. Tea tree oil can be quite strong when used on it's own.

(((Hugs))) to you, Blu. I can imagine how fed up you are with your hair and scalp problems by now, but you can get through this! Just think, your "test" will soon be a "testimony" for somebody else!:)
I am so sorry that you are going thru this. I was diagonsed with having this on my legs and it was so severe, that I couldnt even walk. I normally get it in the summer months and my skin looks like I have leapord spots. I know that this will pass. I will keep you in my prayers.

I never took the medicine that was prescribed....I am just hard headed. I waited it out. But some of the natural remedies do look promising, so I would try that.:)
patient1 said:
I work with a lot of herbs and essential oils and I really believe that they hold your answer. The staph infection that causes folliculitis is working on a microscopic level to make damage visible to the naked eye. Herbs and essential oils work on that same level to make HEALING visible. The planet came ready to supply our every need. Trust it. :)

I totally agree with this...
I'm so sorry. :( I have it too; on my face. No waxing, threading, or plunking more than few hairs at a time for me. :nono:

Anyway, I hope there isn't any scarring.
Hi LadyBlu!!

If tea tree sounded promising then follow your intuition. DivineInspiration was on point when she advised you to use a carrier oil to dilute it. You can start out with a very weak dilution and then increase it or DECREASE it as needed.

The discomfort of tea tree reminds me of the discomfort that comes with any deep cleaning. For instance, if we put alcohol, peroxide, or even water on a wound we definite FEEL it. Dilute your tea tree oil down to the discomfort of water first. Even if you don't feel it, it's in there and it's doing what it was created to do. As your skin gets used to that level of healing, etc. you can increase the tea tree as you need.

Also, since your skin is tender, I'd apply the tea tree and oil blend using a sprayer. It won't come out with great ease, but it will come out in a thin stream. This way the applicator tip won't pick up and spread the virus or bacteria that is causing the problem in the first place. Just part and spritz, part and spritz. If you feel the need to massage, I'd use sterile gloves to do so and do so gently. I think the best course would be to spritz and put your hair up into a bun and let the oil migrate on its own until your scalp is less tender.

Also, affirm the healing every morning: I am healing. My scalp is healthy and whole.

Something simple like that does a lot for the health of your mind which is, as you know, Grand Central station. :)

Praying you well,
patient1 said:

These are some links from a search I did under "folliculitis natural remedies".

The second to last is a blog entry and she mentioned a few interesting tidbits. The last goes through a lot I'm sure you know and then if you scroll down identifies a lot of alternative remedies.

I hope something there is helpful. I work with a lot of herbs and essential oils and I really believe that they hold your answer. The staph infection that causes folliculitis is working on a microscopic level to make damage visible to the naked eye. Herbs and essential oils work on that same level to make HEALING visible. The planet came ready to supply our every need. Trust it. :)

Intuit which natural remedy would be the best course.

Praying you well as always.


I say amen to that one!!! We are <> Here!:)
I'm sorry to hear about this Lady Blu. If you're interested in something with Tea Tree may you should try Dessert Esscense Thouroughly Clean as a "clarifying shampoo". It'a a face wash but I wash my scalp with it. I sometimes develop knots on my scalp (don't know if it's folliculitis) and Thouroughly Cleans start them to clearing up very quickly. Just remember to apply a moisturizing conditoner to your hair afterward--try avoiding it on the scalp. Plus, it doesn't burn at all--just leaves my scalp very clean. Hope you find what helps.
Ya'll are so supportive and I really appreciate it.

patient1 said:
Hi LadyBlu!!

If tea tree sounded promising then follow your intuition. DivineInspiration was on point when she advised you to use a carrier oil to dilute it. You can start out with a very weak dilution and then increase it or DECREASE it as needed.

The discomfort of tea tree reminds me of the discomfort that comes with any deep cleaning. For instance, if we put alcohol, peroxide, or even water on a wound we definite FEEL it. Dilute your tea tree oil down to the discomfort of water first. Even if you don't feel it, it's in there and it's doing what it was created to do. As your skin gets used to that level of healing, etc. you can increase the tea tree as you need.

Also, since your skin is tender, I'd apply the tea tree and oil blend using a sprayer. It won't come out with great ease, but it will come out in a thin stream. This way the applicator tip won't pick up and spread the virus or bacteria that is causing the problem in the first place. Just part and spritz, part and spritz. If you feel the need to massage, I'd use sterile gloves to do so and do so gently. I think the best course would be to spritz and put your hair up into a bun and let the oil migrate on its own until your scalp is less tender.

Also, affirm the healing every morning: I am healing. My scalp is healthy and whole.

Something simple like that does a lot for the health of your mind which is, as you know, Grand Central station. :)

Praying you well,

P1, thank you again for your advice and prayers! I did some more research this afternoon and applied my tea tree oil straight, no chaser on a test spot. It was fine, so I applied it all over and just felt that nice tea tree tingle, so all is well. My head seemed less sore today after my T-Gel shampoo from yesterday, so I'm hoping my healing has begun. My mom said the smell from my head today was clearing her sinuses, so I guess I won't be leaving the house tonight :lol:. I am going to wash again tonite with the T-Gel. I'm also wondering if the occasional application of Neosporin wouldn't hurt, but I want to keep things simple right now.

I made the doc appointment for tomorrow, just so I cover all bases. I can't take chances right now when scarring is any sort of possibility, but I remain hopeful.
I am so sorry to hear this.

I would recommend that you throw away your comb and brush and get new ones. Also, make sure that you aren't doing anything that might abrade your scalp because that can let bacteria in.

You need to probably go on some type of oral antibiotic. In small patches, I would use bactracin ointment on the scalp and only for 10 days.
aaawww Blu {{{{{{hugs}}}}}

are u still stretching your relaxers? Maybe your scalp is adjusting to the changes. I know my scalp is 100% better since after not relaxing for 1 year (even though I did this month:look: ) The longer you stretch the easier it will be to wash your hair on a daily basis. Your scalp should improve over time.

I hope everything gets better for you very soon:)
Aww Blu, I just want to hug you right now. I have been aware of your recent struggles with your hair journey and now this. I can only imagine how you must feel.

I sense that you are still very hopeful and I too believe that you will back soon enough to tell us about improvements and positive turns in your hair journey. Dont be discouraged:kiss:.
This thread was right on time. Unfortunately, I also have folliculitis on my scalp...again. The first time I had was back in late 2005 and it didn't clear up until March of 06. My primary care physician gave me a prescription for an oral antibiotic and it cleared it up. I followed up with a dermatoligist and he told me to wash my hair with a 50/50 mixture of DHS zinc shampoo and Hebiclens hand sanitizer at least once a week. He also gave me a precription for a topical acne medicine named clindamycin phosphate. In addition, he told me not to use any oils on my scalp.

I started back to oiling my scalp and using the whole head baggy method at night (big mistake). I think this is what contributed to the symptoms flaring up again. I'm unable to go to the doctor at this point (long story) so I'm trying to treat the condition with OTC treatments and natural products. So far, I'm taking garlic supplements and Grapefruit Seed Extract (which both are supposed to be natural antiobiotics from what I've read). For the itchies, I've been taking allergy pills (nothing topical has worked for me).

Big thanks to Divine Inspiration and Patient1. Even though you weren't talking to me directly, I find the information you provided valuable and I'm sure it's going to help some lurker out there with the same condition

Good luck Blu.
I went to the doctor for this last week. The hair follicles under my underarm gets infected from time to time. I was in a whole lot of pain. They gave me an antibiotic and it cleared it right up:) .
I have this scalp condition. I am in a little rush right now but I will come back later on this week when I have some more 'free' time and post.
Wow, ya'll. Seems this topic isn't covered much on the boards, but a lot of us are dealing with it in some form or other. I'm wishing you all a speedy clearing of symptoms, and as always--thanks for your well wishes as well.

I saw the doc on Friday. She's kinda useless, honestly, but I wanted to cover all my bases JUST IN CASE. I told her I'd been working out and the sweating may have caused it. She agreed. She looked briefly at the areas I told her about but said she didn't see any pustules other than a couple I pointed out... had she actually really pulled thru and taken a better look she'd have seen them, those bad boys were there, a little dried up at that point but throbbing as always. She gave me a couple of prescriptions, one for Keflex and one for something the name of which I can't make out in her handwriting. She said funny, odd things to me, like I need to be sure to clip my ends every 6-8 weeks and I must keep my hands out of my hair no matter what--I shouldn't even pull the strays away from the rest of my hair. She advised me against massaging my scalp, saying that the scarring alopecia is like burning embers beneath the skin and the massaging could cause a flare. I mentioned that I was trying to keep those areas supple to encourage regrowth, and she told me basically that "we" aren't trying to regrow those areas and I shouldn't do that, I should instead focus on ensuring I don't have anymore thinning. PLEASE--as if I'd EVER give up trying to grow back prematurely lost hair! I was quietly appalled by advice to just give up trying to regrow my hair. She said it may come back on its own or it may not. I say it may come back on its own, and it may be further encouraged to do so if I ensure proper blood flow and nourishment to my scalp. I'm not sure about the massage/scarring thing; there could be something to it, and maybe not--I don't know what caused the "scarring" to begin with; I've never worn severe or tight hairstyles, weaves, braids or had botched, burned or unprofessionally done chemical processes. I was not all that impressed, but at least I feel better because I did see someone. She didn't think it was staph.

The T-Gel shampoo and tea tree oil *really* seemed to do the trick tho--I got almost immediate relief from that combo, but I will say that if you use tea tree oil undiluted as I did, you probably want to isolate yourself from society until the smell dies down! I'm down to itchies now, nothing major; I washed with the T-Gel again last night. The doc wanted me to keep T-Gel a regular part of my routine, but those who use it frequently say that after a bit they started shedding, so I'll rotate it with Nioxin and my regular moisturizing shampoos.

I'll be washing twice a week now and using only emu oil and occasional light applications of tea tree. Hopefully, that will keep things at bay. I can't help hoping this itching is suggestive of some regrowth in my thinned areas, but I doubt it. Gotta keep that hope alive, tho!
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I'm glad to see you got a plan. I think I'm gonna try the TGel also because I'm having a really hard time finding the shampoo I was using in my area and I don't feel like ordering anything off of the internet. Just to let you know, when I went through this the last year I lost about one-quarter of my hair but most of it did grow back. It did feel thinner but its not noticable. Good luck and keep us posted:)
@ Blu, I am sorry to hear what you're going through. :( Please keep us updated. I like the idea of adding tea tree oil to the shampoo.

@ patient1, I LOVED your suggestions!! :up: I also for the first time checked the website in your siggy. I can't believe I didn't notice it before. You have a lot of knowledge there.
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