So how many weeks post and how many inches have you grown today?


New Member
Im 12 weeks post..........trying to go for 20 + weeks.:look: I have about 1 1/4 inches trying to get 2+ inches before I relax again.
I don't know how to measure new growth. :look: I'm 9 wks post. My scalp is very sore though. Always around this time.
I am 19 weeks post and will be relaxing at 20 weeks (4 weeks earlier than planned). I have no idea how many inches but it is extremely thick and healthy.
..24 weeks post and stretching till I can't do it anymore!!!! Didn't think I'd ever make it past 17 weeks...I'm looking at 3 inches of textured new growth that I really like!!!:)
I'm 5 weeks post and I have about a half an inch of new growth. going for 10 weeks post then I'll relax.
I madet it to 13 weeks post and relaxed today. I had 1 inch in the front and 1 & 1/2 inch in the back. It made relaxing easier and help to prevent overlapping. It was so worth it. I will try to make it to 20 weeks next time around.
How are you ladies able to keep your hair looking cute at 17-20 weeks post?

I'm tryin to stretch for 14 wks this time...i just relaxed today.
Im 12 weeks post..........trying to go for 20 + weeks.:look: I have about 1 1/4 inches trying to get 2+ inches before I relax again.

I'm 14 weeks with about 1.25 inches trying to stretch to 20-21 weeks as well. So far this is the longest I've stretched and I'm loving my new growth.
How are you ladies able to keep your hair looking cute at 17-20 weeks post?

I'm tryin to stretch for 14 wks this time...i just relaxed today.

I wear rollersets with cute headbands or I'll just flat iron the roots on occasion. I'm 14 weeks post. The new growth gives great volume. All I can say is curly styles are my friend this far in.:yep:
23.5 weeks post (transitioning), not sure about the length of my new growth... different lengths in different areas. All I know is I'm loving my hair :-)
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I'm 22 weeks post this week and I have about 3 inches of new growth. I don't know how accurate that measurement is.
4 weeks - about an inch on crown and .5 on sides. Can't tell in back - but the comb is starting to protest.
I'm 20 weeks post and have about 1-1.25 inches. Why is my hair growing so much slower then everyone else?
I'm 20 weeks post and have about 1-1.25 inches. Why is my hair growing so much slower then everyone else?

I get more growth since I started taking chlorella powder. See thread by LuckiestDestiny. I used to get about 1/4 inch per month and now I'm getting about 1/2 inch per month. Your results may vary, but so far it's helping me get more growth.