So called professional underprocessed me!


New Member
Hey ladies I don't know what to do and need your help. I had my hair relaxed last Monday and it looked fine. My stylist used Affirm Sensitive Scalp Resistant. I wasnit totally pleased with the service, didn't base well, didn't apply anything to the already relaxed hair to protect it wasnt too sure she applied relaxer correctly. When I asked her assistant whether she was using lye or no-lye she replied "what is lye".

Anyway I washed my hair 3 days later and now I notice that there is a whole section that is underprocessed, still wavey whereas the rest of my hair is straight. What should I do? It is really itchy for a start. Will I have to wait until I next have it relaxed to have it fixed or go back now?

What do you all think?
sorry about yo recent experice sasha
i dont think goin back to have it done again soon is a good idea as u may end up with over-processin and later on breakage
its sad isnt it tho that these so called professionals dont kno as much as we on this site do
I say wait and try to keep the hair very moisturized. Use a protein treatment every 3 weeks or so (a mild one is fine) to keep the hair strong while you wait. Manipulate the hair as little as possible.

Lye is a chemical called sodium hydroxide. The active chemical in "no-lyes" is calcium hydroxide. If they don't know the term "lye" (which may be regional?) they should surely know the names of the actual chemicals in the prods they are using. :tracy says a silent prayer:

And if all else fails ALL relaxers will say explicitly what the active chemical is. Ask to check the container yourself and look for either one of these chemical names so you know for sure.

You may also check out this site: to see if they list on the site which chemical the sensitive scalp formula uses. I think it's most likely no-lye (the sensitive scalp reference is usually reserved for calcium hydroxide based relaxers) - a possible explanation for why she didn't base you.

I agree tho - she sounds likes she sucks. Find another stylist in the meantime.
Thanks for your replies ladies.

I think I will just leave the underprocessed hair alone until I get my next relaxer.

In the meantime I will take your advice and find another stylist. I may even do it myself if I can pluck up enough courage!

Thanks again