Snip-Snip... Sniff-Sniff :( (pictures of new cut)


Well-Known Member
Good morning LHCF.
I've had a really busy weekend, but wanted to check in this AM with news that I am no longer APL, but am closer to being all natural (not completely there yet). Below are pictures of my new hair cut :(

I needed a trim and he cut off a little more than I would have liked but unfortunately continuous bunning had my ends looking a chewed up mess! That's a new note to self... Be careful how long I particpate in using buns.

Anywho... what's done is done and it'll be back. I'm hoping sooner than later since I am growing natural now. We'll see. But, from this point on, I will be getting trims regularly to keep my hair in the best shape and look it can be in.

Sorry so big and blurry- camera phone... and sorry I didn't get a picture of the back, but the back ends pull around to my collar bone, but I'm gonna just say I'm SL for LHCF purposes.

Cute cut chica!! - Your hair looks thick and healthy. Way to go on your transition.

Thanks Chick :) That's the best thing is that my DH said to me when he saw it, 'you got your Oprah hair back'. LOL!

He really loves my hair long, but he confessed during my transition that he wanted the "Oprah hair" back. Meaning, the healthy thick hair I had previously had. And he was right... long or short, I love my hair to look as thick as it really is. I told the new guy that I went to (I'll be posting about him in Salon Review) that a major reason that relaxers were not working for me anymore was the fact that the longer my hair got, the more flat and limp it looked. He told me that he thought that the previous stylist may have been leaving the relaxer to go bone straight or more straight than I needed.

Either way, I'm okay with the cut for now... I'll have to check back when I attempt to put a ponytail in my hair. Next time I'll get better pictures for you guys. I'm thinking of hiding my hair until June to see what kind of growth I get by using his methods.
I can't see it; my job has restrictions on your hosting site, but I always loved your hair. I'm sure it looks fine. I will check this thread out when I get home.
I can't see it; my job has restrictions on your hosting site, but I always loved your hair. I'm sure it looks fine. I will check this thread out when I get home.

It's from my moblie uploads on Facebook. So, that may be why.
But thanks for the compliment :)
Your hair looks good. Either long or short, I love my hair to be thick and full too. I'm going natural too and just like you all of the buns were making my ends look a mess. It seems as though my hair doesn't like buns cause it happens when i try to wear them. I just recently cut my hair too since it was breaking off from lack of me caring for it properly (I have a new baby) and the buns and post partum shedding which included my edges falling completely out.

How long has it been since your last relaxer? It's been 9 months for me.

I like the cut.

How did the continuous buns hurt your ends? I thought bunning was supposed to be a good way to protect the ends.
Good morning LHCF.
I've had a really busy weekend, but wanted to check in this AM with news that I am no longer APL, but am closer to being all natural (not completely there yet). Below are pictures of my new hair cut :(

I needed a trim and he cut off a little more than I would have liked but unfortunately continuous bunning had my ends looking a chewed up mess! That's a new note to self... Be careful how long I particpate in using buns.

Anywho... what's done is done and it'll be back. I'm hoping sooner than later since I am growing natural now. We'll see. But, from this point on, I will be getting trims regularly to keep my hair in the best shape and look it can be in.

Sorry so big and blurry- camera phone... and sorry I didn't get a picture of the back, but the back ends pull around to my collar bone, but I'm gonna just say I'm SL for LHCF purposes.



i know how you feel, famu!!!

BUT it looks REALLY good, girl!
Your hair looks good. Either long or short, I love my hair to be thick and full too. I'm going natural too and just like you all of the buns were making my ends look a mess. It seems as though my hair doesn't like buns cause it happens when i try to wear them. I just recently cut my hair too since it was breaking off from lack of me caring for it properly (I have a new baby) and the buns and post partum shedding which included my edges falling completely out.

How long has it been since your last relaxer? It's been 9 months for me.


Thanks :) It's been 14 months this coming Thursday :grin:.
Girl, Apparently the wet buns were not a good look for my transitioning hair. But I think part of my down fall was NOT getting frequent trims along the way to trim the ends as I went along those 14 mons. No trims may work for some, but I swear I need conservative trims for my thickness to stay. I'm just always so scared that my progress will be trimmed away. This time I will pay much closer attention and have let this stylist know that hair growth and health are my top 2 priorities.

I like the cut.

How did the continuous buns hurt your ends? I thought bunning was supposed to be a good way to protect the ends.

Thanks! Well, it did work for me when I was fully relaxed, but I promise you that I had been bunning since Oct. 2008 when I got my last trim and my ends were atrocious when he blew my hair out Thursday. Like so bad that I had to agree with him that a trim was in order. So, moral of the story, I guess it wasn't so great for my transitioning hair. BTW, I was doing wet buns after CW with coconut oil on my ends and using a satin elastic with no metal parts.
Hi FamUDiva,

Sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do. It looks very pretty shiny and thick.
This long term transitioning stuff is no joke. But we're alost there now.
Thanks! Well, it did work for me when I was fully relaxed, but I promise you that I had been bunning since Oct. 2008 when I got my last trim and my ends were atrocious when he blew my hair out Thursday. Like so bad that I had to agree with him that a trim was in order. So, moral of the story, I guess it wasn't so great for my transitioning hair. BTW, I was doing wet buns after CW with coconut oil on my ends and using a satin elastic with no metal parts.

Thanks for the info! I've recently started transitioning, and I was planning to use buns as one way of styling, along with braidouts, curly rollersets, braids and sew-ins. I think I'm going to try it out and see how it goes.
I can't see the pics (at work), but I've seen your hair and I am sure the new cut is fabulous!

As far as too many of the ends being cut, just look at it like this: you are in the process of transitioning and those are ends that would had to go away anyway; your new trim (cut) just gets you that much closer to being 100% natural. Now, if the stylist had cut some of your NG, then that would be another story:boxing:.

Good luck on the remainder of your transition!

I was wondering the same thing....

Like I said, it was hard on my hair... not sure how it works for everyone else. But I will say when I bunned before I was able to retain lots of length. But now I have 2 textures and I'd venture to guess that my hair was snapping at the demarcation and that added to the raggedy look. Either way, I know the only thing I was doing was bunning.

I guess that's the great part about the journey, we all get there, but find that all techniques don't work for everyone. Maybe bunning will be good again once I'm all natural without the risk of 2 textures breaking off and looking a mess.
I can't see the pics (at work), but I've seen your hair and I am sure the new cut is fabulous!

As far as too many of the ends being cut, just look at it like this: you are in the process of transitioning and those are ends that would had to go away anyway; your new trim (cut) just gets you that much closer to being 100% natural. Now, if the stylist had cut some of your NG, then that would be another story:boxing:.

Good luck on the remainder of your transition!


Thanks BB! I love your new hair! And you're so right... it's just bringing me closer to natural and when it comes back to a longer length, I'll be all the more happy with my hair :)