SLOW growing Front and Sides


Active Member
Has anybody with slowgrowing front and sides that have grown them long got any tips on how I can speed it up.

My hair is nice and long and thick in the back but I can't wear it down and enjoy it as it just looks stupid cos my sides are so short (I wish I never got those layers all those years ago :mad: ). It makes me so depressed. They are getting thicker but not much longer. Plus in addition the left is about two inches shorter than the right. (The left is exactly at my jaw with the right 2 inches longer). I will be back in cornrows again next week following a two week break. My goal is to have the sides at shoulder length, how long did it take you to go from jaw to shoulder?
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I currently have the same problem and using my MTG concoction to see if that will work. My right side has always been shorter than my left. I have heard that it has to do with the way we wrap our hair at night. We need to alternate the direction to take the pressure/tension off any one side.

I am getting braids tomorrow so I will start doing that at the end of the summer.
Annakei said:
I currently have the same problem and using my MTG concoction to see if that will work. My right side has always been shorter than my left. I have heard that it has to do with the way we wrap our hair at night. We need to alternate the direction to take the pressure/tension off any one side.

I am getting braids tomorrow so I will start doing that at the end of the summer.

Please let me know your results with this method. I don't wrap my hair but every style that I wear places more tension on the front/sides.
I've been wondering the exact SAME thing! I get most frustrated with the sides of my hair. They're so pitiful and thin. :( They aren't even thick OR long. *cry*

I put biotin cream on my hair line to thicken it up a little, and it seems to be doing SOME good, but it seems like I can't get results fast enough!

I was thinking though, I'm not sure I would get braids or extentions in my hair if the edges or sides of my hairline isn't the same length/thickness. I'm just saying for myself, I know that when I had tight braids in my hair, my hairline would SUFFER tremendously. They were just way TOO tight! It even got to the point where sadly, it looked like my hair was receeding! lol* Thankfully, that was almost 10 years ago, but still...I think wearing braids in my hair has definitely been a culprit to why my edges are so fine and thin today.

Not only that, but I make sure I tell my stylist to only put just a little bit of relaxer around my edges, and I tell her to apply the relaxer to the hairline LAST. It has been working. Doing that and stretching my relaxers has helped a great deal. My edges still aren't where I would like them to be though. :-/
I just kept getting my sides dusted and the back cut......once I got rid of 'all' the layers...and kept my hair trimmed, my sides started to grow stronger...which meant I retained more of the length. I feel layers made my hair more fragile....especially the ends...
Growing out layers can be trying. My sides and fronts are shorter due to bangs and breakage from braid outs. I co-sign with Crystaliceq about not getting the braids if my hair is already weak and thin on the sides. But I'm about to start using Professional Perfect Choice products for the thinning sides and see how this works out for me.
Crystalicequeen123 said:
Not only that, but I make sure I tell my stylist to only put just a little bit of relaxer around my edges,and I tell her to apply the relaxer to the hairline LAST.

This is exactly what I've been having my mom do when she puts in my relaxers. It makes a difference! I've also tried to cut down on pulling my hair back in any type of tight styles. Infact I've recently started using a hair clip to loosely pull back my hair instead of my usually ponytails with hair elastics.

So far so good! :)
Before I started taking care of my hair, my sides never grew, I always had length in the back but the sides ALWAYS looked pitiful, short and thin (the right side was always longer than the left). Once I started taking care of my hair they got thicker and started to grow, I cut the sides even and they started growing together so now they're the same length. My sides are still shorter than the back but it looks ALOT better now. So I say just baby your hair all around and it will usually respond all over your head.
My sides used to be much shorter with one side stronger than the other. What I discovered was that I slept on one side more so I made an effort to be concious of where I was positioning my arms when I went to sleep and when I woke up during the night (I usually wake up during the night) I would switch over to the other side. I also started to massage my sides and the front to get better circulation. I still massage about two times a day - when I wake up and right before I go to sleep.
dtachi said:
This is exactly what I've been having my mom do when she puts in my relaxers. It makes a difference! I've also tried to cut down on pulling my hair back in any type of tight styles. Infact I've recently started using a hair clip to loosely pull back my hair instead of my usually ponytails with hair elastics.

So far so good! :)

Yes I've also started doing this too Dtachi. I am the queen of ponytails and hair pulled back with a clip. I think over years this (along with too-tight braids, and 6-8 week relaxer touchups) has caused my hair to thin considerably along the sides. So for the past few months I've been trying to make a conscious effort to make my hair clips and scrunchies looser when I do my ponys.

Not to mention....what RECENTLY caused my hairline to dissapear was one trip to a dominican salon! I blow-dried my "roots", and when I was done, my hair was bouncy and everything, but my hair line was BALD! I'm talking about SMOOTH shiny! That OVER heated blow dryer had basically burned my baby-fine hair along my hairline/edges. I was so ticked off. I'm STILL reaping the repercussions from that! :(
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Crystalicequeen123 said:
Yes I've also started doing this too Dtachi. I am the queen of ponytails and hair pulled back with a clip. I think over years this (along with too-tight braids, and 6-8 week relaxer touchups) has caused my hair to thin considerably along the sides. So for the past few months I've been trying to make a conscious effort to make my hair clips and scrunchies looser when I do my ponys.

Not to mention....what RECENTLY caused my hairline to dissapear was one trip to a dominican salon! I blow-dried my "roots", and when I was done, my hair was bouncy and everything, but my hair line was BALD! I'm talking about SMOOTH shiny! That OVER heated blow dryer had basically burned my baby-fine hair along my hairline/edges. I was so ticked off. I'm STILL reaping the repercussions from that! :(

That explains a whole lot for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever since I had been going to this new place, I noticed that they were the first ppl to blow dry my hairline. Then I noticed that I was balding more than usual, but I never thought that it was from the actual blow drying. I thought that the straightening just revealed it more-- even though I had long stopped pulling my hair back and wearing tight ponies. I just thought my hairline was receding for some weird reason and that years of tight ponies were finally catching up with me. No wonder!!!!!

Thanks so much for posting that. Had i known this b4 I would not have done the horrible things I have done myself trying to grow my hairline back... I would've just stopped blow drying my hairline.
Crystalicequeen123 said:
Not only that, but I make sure I tell my stylist to only put just a little bit of relaxer around my edges, and I tell her to apply the relaxer to the hairline LAST. It has been working. Doing that and stretching my relaxers has helped a great deal. My edges still aren't where I would like them to be though. :-/
or have your stylist not apply relaxer to that area at all. let it grow out some without a relaxer for several months to allow your hair to recover in growth and thickness.;)
Poohbear said:
or have your stylist not apply relaxer to that area at all. let it grow out some without a relaxer for several months to allow your hair to recover in growth and thickness.;)

I agree with Poohbear.:yep: Baby that area with lots of conditioner, moisture and oil in the meantime and let it get some length and thickness before relaxing it again. And when you start relaxing it again, relax maybe every other time. That's what a lot of relaxed ladies do here, especially for their nape areas.
Crystalicequeen123 said:
I've been wondering the exact SAME thing! I get most frustrated with the sides of my hair. They're so pitiful and thin. :( They aren't even thick OR long. *cry*

I put biotin cream on my hair line to thicken it up a little, and it seems to be doing SOME good, but it seems like I can't get results fast enough!

I was thinking though, I'm not sure I would get braids or extentions in my hair if the edges or sides of my hairline isn't the same length/thickness. I'm just saying for myself, I know that when I had tight braids in my hair, my hairline would SUFFER tremendously. They were just way TOO tight! It even got to the point where sadly, it looked like my hair was receeding! lol* Thankfully, that was almost 10 years ago, but still...I think wearing braids in my hair has definitely been a culprit to why my edges are so fine and thin today.

Not only that, but I make sure I tell my stylist to only put just a little bit of relaxer around my edges, and I tell her to apply the relaxer to the hairline LAST. It has been working. Doing that and stretching my relaxers has helped a great deal. My edges still aren't where I would like them to be though. :-/

Hmn, seems to be the opposite for me. Putting cornrows in the front is the only way I can grow my hair. I think maybe we are talking about different things though, I was more referring to the sides of my hair that frame my face rather than the edges. With too short sides I am without a 'hairstyle' my hair is just 'there' and no matter what I try I can't style it to wear it down. I need another 2 - 4 inches. *sigh*
I use Vitatress Biotin Creme (which works wonders) on my edges and sides every now and then and my hair is thickening up all around very nicely. I also use Jason's Scalp Elixer and Hair Rush on and off all over my scalp and my new growth is coming in soooo fast its ridiculous. I have 4 more weeks till touch-up time and to be honest...I don't think I'm gonna make it.

Last relaxer touch-up: May 16th, 2005 (attained 1 1/2 in. of ng)
Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Current hair length: 1 1/2 inches past bra strap (when blown out straight)
Hair goal for 2005: 5 inches past bra strap length by Dec.
Hair type: 4b thick and course pics coming in July!