Slight problem....what would you recommend


New Member
I am planning on relaxing my hair this weekend. I usually use Mizani mild but the only place I trust in terms of it being legit and fresh doesn't have it and won't get any until the end of next week and I can't wait that long. I need another relaxer atleast for this touchup. Do I buy Mizani regular instead or just another mild formula.
Do you use the mild strength without adding oil or protein to it? If you already add something to your mild relaxer, I say just double the amount and dump it into the regular strength.

If the mild is perfect as is, I would just wait for the mild batch.
Do you use the mild strength without adding oil or protein to it? If you already add something to your mild relaxer, I say just double the amount and dump it into the regular strength.

If the mild is perfect as is, I would just wait for the mild batch.

I don't usually add anything to the mild. The last 2 relaxer touchups has me a little more texlaxed than I would like to be which is why I am relaxing now instead of waiting another 4 week which would have made it 12. I need to go back over some of that. I was thinking that I could get away with using the regular if I work fast though. Thanks for your response:yep:
I definitely think you should use the Mizani reg and try to either work quicker or add some protein or oil because at least you know that it will have a similar formulation to your Mizani mild. If you use a completely different relaxer in mild, you never know how your hair might react to it. But I am no expert. This is just what my gut is telling me.
I definitely think you should use the Mizani reg and try to either work quicker or add some protein or oil because at least you know that it will have a similar formulation to your Mizani mild. If you use a completely different relaxer in mild, you never know how your hair might react to it. But I am no expert. This is just what my gut is telling me.

That is a good point. I didn't think about that.
I don't usually add anything to the mild. The last 2 relaxer touchups has me a little more texlaxed than I would like to be which is why I am relaxing now instead of waiting another 4 week which would have made it 12. I need to go back over some of that. I was thinking that I could get away with using the regular if I work fast though. Thanks for your response:yep:

I think this is a good idea, gym. This is what I would do.:yep: