My birthday is coming up. I’m about to be 33 and never having a boyfriend. I feel an incredible amount of shame about it, but I’m resigning to the face that I may never have a relationship or get married. It is so hard. I haven’t been on any dates this year, mostly due to trying to work on my depression and I just haven’t been approached. I’m kind of at my wits end, so I have to figure out how to live with to pleasure myself. I still cry about it and wonder what I did wrong, but at least I can function better. I just feel like such a loser because I can’t find a man. I feel so confused and frustrated at what it is that men are looking for. I feel like I’m a kind, decent person but I’m blocked from having any type of romance because of the way I look.
Mandatory positive: I’ve been taking better care of myself.
- Making sure I have enough nutritious foods by shopping for 2 weeks instead of 1.
- Making a priority to wash my hair every week/ or 2 weeks the latest
- applying head and shoulders scalp cream to my hair each night. I have seborric dermatitis and this seems to help. I want to concentrate on hair growth and I need a healthy scalp in order to do that
- applying face and body skin car regimen each night. My skin is a huge insecurity of mine and I feel like I’m feeding into it but I do want to feel more confident
- I’m taking up more hobbies and trying to turn them into businesses.
- Figuring out how to manage my calendar in such a way that I can accomplish all my goals.
- I’m finally about to rent my investment property. I can have some extra income especially with it being a slow year.
That kind of makes me nervous also because with my career path and investment properties, I’m going to make more than most men. Most guys don’t really like women that are more successful than they are, and I already struggle.