silk elements touch up ya'll


Well-Known Member
ok I broke down and did my touch up 2 days early for scheduling reasons. I am sitting right now with neutralizing shampoo in my hair as I type because I washed my hair so many times the doggone water ran cold!:eek: So now I have to wait a few minutes. ok to the point::grin:

1.Of course I self relaxed. I did the 4 sections and and did subsections in each 4 sections by separating and pinning if that makes sense. Trying to detangle was a mess I had knots and tangled hair all over the place. I plastic wrapped and shower capped twice the back section so I could concentrate on me relaxing the front and wash out and then do the back.

2.Did it burn?? yes like the lake of fire, but at least unlike all my other lye self relaxing moments, it didn't start until it was time to rinse. So I rinsed in the tub and I'm like dawg this is awkward because the left was getting it good and the right I was struggling. But I Neutralized and moved on to the back sections.

3.Very little hair in the back sections got wet. The middle section was awkward because it was hard to tell what I missed from relaxing the front and then I saw I still had some perm on a small part when I took the plastic off.:eek: Dawg!

4. Doing the back was awkward because I had to feel my way, but it was slightly easier. Surprisingly enough unlike my prior self relaxing moments, it did not burn as much as the front.:perplexed

5. I go now in the shower to do the REAL wash and wash 4 times. I wash with CON neutralizing. and had a teeny bit of old Profective Neutralizing which is the bomb!(WHERE CAN I GET THAT FROM FOR NEXT TIME?????) The water went cold and now here I am typing waiting for my hot water heater to get with the program.

My assessment so far?

I really like how fast and straight my hair relaxed. Some parts are bone straight and others just regular straight especially the back because I was careful about the eczema. The nape is wavy/texturized(on purpose- I really wasn't going to touch it) I lke the results a lot. Will I use again? I just don't know, it burned even with those Bio-Kur packets. Lye is just harsh for me.:cool:
Although I got away with self relaxing this time, I will be going to professional from now on. It will be much easier. oh and I left on for the front 16 minutes and the back 13 minutes. I was trying to go for the full 18 but it wasn't happenin.

I have porosity control but not sure what to do is that after the rinse and before the regular poo wash and conditioner? Using nexxus poo the silk elements conditioner
Why didn't ya'll tell me the silk elements conditioner smell like I just sprayed perfume to go to the club??? ok -I don't go clubbin no mo praise God. But that's what it smells like. That smells soooooooooooooo good. mmmmmm. I love it! And it's sooo creamy!!!!! mmmmm That's a staple for me!!! Is that good for conditioner washes too??????

now my next guess is how on earth will I style my hair? I am supposed to do the hide my hair till christmas, but I'm just curious how a rollerset would look. hmmmm
looks like I'm the only one posting my own thread!!! lol

Ok ya'll a good thing gone wrong. Either porosity control reverted my hair or I messed up. My roots are still visibly underprocessed compared to the rest of the hair. Some parts is: the very root silky straight for about 1/2 inch, then past that @ 2 1/2 - 3 inches inches underprocessed , then straight. I'm 3 different textures!!!! I mean I knew I was underprocessed before my relaxer but I was so scared to bring that relaxer down the shaft for overlapping it's rediculous. Now there's nothing I can do:( This is why I am contemplating natural. I hate this perm thing! I tried to rollerset, I'm under the dryer now, butI know the roots is going to cause me to use heat!!!!:mad: I see I will be bunning until christmas, because I am NOT going to mess up the progress I made!!! although it's jacked progress. I wanna cry!:cry:
nomoweavesfome said:
looks like I'm the only one posting my own thread!!! lol

Ok ya'll a good thing gone wrong. Either porosity control reverted my hair or I messed up. My roots are still visibly underprocessed compared to the rest of the hair. Some parts is: the very root silky straight for about 1/2 inch, then past that @ 2 1/2 - 3 inches inches underprocessed , then straight. I'm 3 different textures!!!! I mean I knew I was underprocessed before my relaxer but I was so scared to bring that relaxer down the shaft for overlapping it's rediculous. Now there's nothing I can do:( This is why I am contemplating natural. I hate this perm thing! I tried to rollerset, I'm under the dryer now, butI know the roots is going to cause me to use heat!!!!:mad: I see I will be bunning until christmas, because I am NOT going to mess up the progress I made!!! although it's jacked progress. I wanna cry!:cry:
I'm still natural but I feel your pain!! It will be okay! Its all part of the process. I'm sure some very informed self relaxer will be of assistance.
Keep your head up! Remember trouble won't last always! :wave:
natasha said:
I'm still natural but I feel your pain!! It will be okay! Its all part of the process. I'm sure some very informed self relaxer will be of assistance.
Keep your head up! Remember trouble won't last always! :wave:

thanks ma, I just wish I can relax the MIDDLE part without relaxing the ends and the roots somehow. It's a big puff right in the middle if the strands:cry:
anyhow thank you for your encouragement. The one time I try do do right without overlapping and this is what I get.
Hi, sorry for all the problems with your hair. I am nautral now from braids but I want to be somewhat relaxed. I'm definately going to a professional for those treatments.

I have the list of acronyms and abbreviations but I don't see where Co-Wash is definded. What does that mean?? Thank you!

1 week out of braids and pondering...
Did you use the mild silk elements? I hope I didn't miss that part in your post. I used Regular SE and it is a very good relaxer but it did straighten my hair wayyyy too fast and it did slightly burn me. I'll be using mild next time. I do self relax. I am thinking of parting my hair down the middle and doing the left side and then the right side at my next relaxer. It seems so much easier than trying to do the front and then the back all bent over. They have attachment sprayers (looks like the kind they use in the salon) at a BSS near my house this should help me significantly with washing out part of my hair while not disturbing the other. I'm sorry you ended up with three textures. I think the best you can do is nuture it big time and bun like you said. It might be a blessing in'll basically force you to keep your hair hidden for a while and your next relaxer will be the bomb!!

Hang in there!
I'm relaxed and colored, so because a Dominican stylist caused me to lose ALL my hair except 1/2 in, I'm very cautious! My 1st 2 relaxers were Profectiv and underprocessed because I was scared. When I discovered Silk Elements regular I corrected the previous underprocessed parts and got the new growth nice and straight:grin:

Self relaxing takes time - but NOBODY is as careful with my hair as I am. The only times I hd major hair problems was when I paid a professional to do my hair. Bunning, deep cons and moisture is the way to go now.
Atlanta, co- wash means conditioner wash. It is like you are washing your hair with regular poo except you use conditoner instead.

nope you didn't miss it I used regular, I thought about it and willing to try it again with the mild next time. If not I switch to no lye. Now that I think about it, my hair isn't all that thick, so a mild may just be the answer. I never thought about all left side then all right side which may work if I get a shower sprayer. but I really don't know If I trust my self in my hair for a relaxer again. I'm too much of a hair punk. But you are right I will not be wearing my hair out becuase in order to make it look decent I will have to use heat :eek: and I'm not doing that right now.

but overall- inspite of the mixed up results it looks pretty good. I took pics and I have to laugh, the pics look better than in person. but they say pics don't tell no lie. I could be hard on myself sometimes. lol updates will be coming soon on my album.
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I didn't burn when I did my regular relaxer but I was coming off of a 12 and a half week stretch and I based my scalp and did my entire head at one time. I think doing it in sections increases your likelihood of getting burned.

Yeah I was also really surprised by the conditioner, it has mineral oil in it but it is thick and creamy and smells good and makes my hair soft. I started using this over my beloved VO5 stawberries and cream which tends to be watery.

Good Luck!
tenderheaded said:
I'm relaxed and colored, so because a Dominican stylist caused me to lose ALL my hair except 1/2 in, I'm very cautious! My 1st 2 relaxers were Profectiv and underprocessed because I was scared. When I discovered Silk Elements regular I corrected the previous underprocessed parts and got the new growth nice and straight:grin:

Self relaxing takes time - but NOBODY is as careful with my hair as I am. The only times I hd major hair problems was when I paid a professional to do my hair. Bunning, deep cons and moisture is the way to go now.

do you use regular or mild?
trimbride said:
I didn't burn when I did my regular relaxer but I was coming off of a 12 and a half week stretch and I based my scalp and did my entire head at one time. I think doing it in sections increases your likelihood of getting burned.

Yeah I was also really surprised by the conditioner, it has mineral oil in it but it is thick and creamy and smells good and makes my hair soft. I started using this over my beloved VO5 stawberries and cream which tends to be watery.

Good Luck!

trimbride, you don't do sections? How do you do it? I heard someone said before the go like in a circle from the inside out. I'm really too much of a punk to try that! But yes I'm afraid to say I got burned right on the edges too and I have some breakage which is before the relaxer in my bang area right where the new growth and straight hair ended and started. So I will definitely toward my 12 week stretch either do braids or I may have to relax maybe at 10 weeks. But I'd rather stretch it.
As my 9 year old would say - - SNAP! Who ever heard of Co Wash, what a great idea!!!

This is the best web site on the planet!! LOL

Thanks for helping the newbie out!