Silk Elements Relaxer


Does anyone else not love Silk Elements Relaxer. My stylist uses this and it burns like hell. Before she can get it all on my hair, I am ready to wash this stuff out. I base my scalp but I still burn. Another thing....I hate the way my hair feels the next day. It always feels dry. I've used Optimum for years and I think I might go back to this. For the past few months, I have been trying to figure out what the problem is and the only new thing I've used is this relaxer. :confused:
I touched up with it yesterday, at first I was not happy, but now that my hair is dry, I love it. I guess I will know for sure if I will keep with it after a couple of weeks. I kinda wanna try ORS Lye, but I self relax most of the time, and I'm kinda slow.

Also, I based my scalp and I only burned in one place (same place I always burn no matter what) even though I had scratched all through my head yesterday.