*SIGH*Boredom May Win Over Growing Out...AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Well...my goal for 2009 was to get through the year without any significant cuts and really make the effort to "grow out" my hair. I always imagined reaching that point where I have this head full of long naturally curly/kinky wild hair..and I still do!... but my patience is wearing thin in the now dealing with the current cut of my hair.

The stylist I visited the last two times, who happened not to be Dickey, cut my hair into a blunt cut. While I was ok with the change when it was first cut and it worked for me at the time with the shorter length, now that it's growing out...it's just not working for me! My hair is just so...so...BLAH!!!! BORING:(

Problems: No shape, lack of volume, no character. Styling my hair loose has been a failure lately, it just doesn't fall in place well or look good, so I resort to wearing my hair slicked back and pinned up.

I've been contemplating cutting again for a few months now just because I was missing the layering and personality my hair once had, but the urge has been getting stronger these past few weeks...

What I am considering:

A) Less drastic: Going for a cut that will leave me with some of my current length but have it shaped and get those layers back in...basically along the lines of the shape/cut I've gone with in the past. This would probably include having the front of my hair (which currently reaches chin length in it's natural state) cut to frame the face.

B) Go for an angled bob leaving the front longer and cutting the length towards the back (a little more dramatic than the appearance of an angled bob in my siggy Nov siggy pic). I've always wanted an angled bob where the front of my hair was the longest (tracing back to my relaxed days) and a goal of mine has always been to grow the front of my hair to the same length as or longer than the rest of my hair since it seemed to be the area that never would never catch up. Now that I've got some good length in the front, I almost don't want to let it go, hence considering this cut. Of course this shape looks great on straight sleek hair, but I invision a cut like this looking ok on my natural hair, however I will consult with the stylist (who will be Dickey once again) for an opinion.

I just can't take the boredom with my hair any longer! My hair reflects my personality...but these days my personality is reflecting my hair. I've tried to hold out...but I'm getting weak...My appointment is for next Wed...who knows what I'll decide between now and the time I get in that chair, I may just chicken out of doing anything major....but I just needed to vent since it seems like some of you ladies are riding the same boredom boat as me lol.
I have nothing significant to say other than that i love your hair and i hope that you like whatever style you chose. I'm absolutely positive that it would look GORGEOUS on you!!
i agree your hair will look great whatever you do. with that said i understand how that can be a problem not being able to wear your hair the way you would like. getting layers may help and i dont look at that as a major cut so maybe that may be the best thing for you.
Both are great options. The pic in your siggy is fab. It sorta reminds me of option B.

I would go with A because it'll be easier to grow out if you change your mind or get bored.
so1913 I love love love ur hair. You were the one that made me hip to IC fantasia gel :giggle:

Sorry to hear about ur boredom. I get in a rut like that sometimes; never good.
Instead of a cut, why not get a braided style? Or a bit of colour??

I dont know if i helped, but whatever you do, I hope you and your fabulous hair loves it :)
I just added highlights out of boredom, but it still didn't touch my urge to cut. There's just something about a fierce new haircut. I say go for plan A so you can still grow it out, but have a little more fun/shape at the same time.

I am so sick of layers. Getting mine re-done was a big mistake last year. :nono: Thank God I am almost rid of them now. I don't think they were easy to grow out at all... if I get my hair even and find I don't like it, I swear I will BC again before cutting layers. :lol: (Okay exaggerating... but only a little... :look: )

I like the bob idea. You know that's what I've been wanting to do for 2 years now, ever since I saw a 3a/3b white girl with a curly bob cut. It was too cute. :grin: I'd love to see how that turns out on you if you go for it...
Ok ladies today was the day! I was all prepared when I sat in the chair to tell him just cut it until he started analyzing the condition of my hair. He starts saying how good it looks and I've been doing everything right. He said it looked and felt great. Then he asked "so what are we doing today? Just a trim? Are we gonna let it grow?" And I caved and said "yes!". It was obvious that with all the frustrations I was taking good care of my hair.

So I went for option A :). The length is still there just a few shorter pieces to frame the face and some layering in the center. Really subtle, everything blends nicely. I finally have some shape back to my hair, so I'm happy. They also suggested that I try putting a few small twists in the front of my hair and crown to help extend the loose curly style given that the looser textured front/crown of my hair goes first. The assistan demonstrated what I should do on dry hair using the hair rules hydrating cream so I could see how much product to use on the sections I'd be twisting. She did this before washing my hair and styling it curly, putting a few of the twists in before setting me under the dryer.

Ill try to get some pics up soon, but just wanted to give you all the update...I climbed to the roof but didn't jump! :)

OT: The singer Estelle, one of his regular clients, was the only one getting her hair done when I got in there. MJ was playing in and we all started recalling the videos for each song lol. She was just getting her short cut trimmed and shaped up and left with a slick cropped style.
Your hair is GORGEOUS!!!! I'm sure it looks fabulous no matter how you cut it!!! But, I'm glad you are happy with it now!!!