Side effects of using sulfur...

Anyway, i was reading all around this board that sulfur is drying to the hair. I know of the growth benefits it causes but i was wondering, is there any other side effects i should know about. I was mixing my MTG alternative this weekend and after i added the oils, i noticed that i had quite a bit of sulfur in my mix :eek: . Will this cause damage to my hair if i use it? Also does sulfur thin the hair overtime? Do i need to dilute the mixture with more oil? I think i added like 2oz of sulfur in about a 10oz mixture. I could handle the dryness that comes with sulfur, i just wanted to know if there was anything else i should be watching out for. Thanks in advance for your help.
I know a few people have stated that if they get it on their neck it can cause itches and a rash. But thats seems to e mostly with the MTG, I dont know if the alternatives have the same skin irritation effect
Thanks Dual. Come on ladies i know you guys got more knowledge on this stuff. I really need to know what will happen before i start using this stuff twice daily. I'll record my growth and show progress, i just need to know what can possibly happen. I haven't experienced any rashes from MTG so i don't think i'm allergic or anything.
I have been using BT since January and my scalp is not dry and my hair is moist. I don't have itchies, flakes, sulfur buildup or anything like that. I do shampoo once a week and clarify once a month. I condition wash every other day. I make sure I use the sulfur every other day as well.

The only side effect I'm having right now is:

I think as long as you don't have an allergy to sulfur its ok to use. I even checked my preggors site and pregnant women can even use it topically. There are no toxins in it...(even if swallowed):eek: I would add it to something moisturizing if your hair seems to dry out.
I think the important thing is to clarify. I have been using a sulphur mix since January and I use it every other day, so far nothing has happened to my scalp or hair. I have good growth and my hairline has definitely filled in. :)

I think if you don’t wash often you can have a build up. Sulphur is a key ingredient for gardeners as a fertilizer and it strengthens the soil, so I don’t believe you will experience any extra side effects. It is normal to have some sulphur sitting at the base of your container, just shake well each time before use.
MrsHouston said:
I think as long as you don't have an allergy to sulfur its ok to use. I even checked my preggors site and pregnant women can even use it topically. There are no toxins in it...(even if swallowed):eek: I would add it to something moisturizing if your hair seems to dry out.

Thanks for posting that!
VWVixxen said:
Moi?!! :sekret:

We're hoping so, we'll know soon...:babyb: me, I'll post BIG!!! :lol:

Sending up prayers for you!:angel:

God's Anointed said:
Do i need to dilute the mixture with more oil? I think i added like 2oz of sulfur in about a 10oz mixture. I could handle the dryness that comes with sulfur, i just wanted to know if there was anything else i should be watching out for.

I read on one of the threads (can't for the life of me find it) that a good amount of sulfur is 10% of the total mixture. But I think this is more so because of the drying effect than anything else. As long as you keep up with the moisture you should be ok... Keep us posted!

I wonder... extra sulfur = extra growth? Hmmmm???:)
MommaMayhann said:
Sending up prayers for you!:angel:

Thank you!! :rosebud: :kiss:

On the Sulphur Content: I made my mix at 10% and it seems like it's more than was in the MTG bottle. It's VERY cloudy when shaken. My next mixture will be made with 5-8%.
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It turn your necklaces black. I am praying to God that it is not forever tarnished and will come out with cleaning.

Ladies please let me know because it is Tiffany's
prissygirl114 said:
So I won't come clean even if I take it to Tiffany's to clean it? My bracelet is fine, it's just the necklace.

Oh, I'm sorry! I'm not saying that all! I'm sure it's able to be saved, I was reading on the different treatments for silver that's been tarnished. I was just specifying SILVER for the original poster so she would be confused thinking that the sulfur would tarnish ALL jewerly/metals.

Sorry for the miscommunication! :rosebud:
VWVixxen said:
Oh, I'm sorry! I'm not saying that all! I'm sure it's able to be saved, I was reading on the different treatments for silver that's been tarnished. I was just specifying SILVER for the original poster so she would be confused thinking that the sulfur would tarnish ALL jewerly/metals.

Sorry for the miscommunication! :rosebud:

Oh, ok thanks for the scared me girl :lol:
VWVixxen said:
Thank you!! :rosebud: :kiss:

On the Sulphur Content: I made my mix at 10% and it seems like it's more than was in the MTG bottle. It's VERY cloudy when shaken. My next mixture will be made with 5-8%.

Mine was exactly the same way. I was so scared so i added a little more oil to make it a 12 0z mixture altogether. Anyway, i think that it's working cause the back of my hair is extremely thick and i can't put it in a ponytail. Also, does anyone here experience tender scalp from hair growth? I mean, i love the fact that my hair is growing in nicely but i can hardly touch my scalp to massage the oil in anymore!
Oh, for those of you wondering, i didn't get dryness from extra sulfur. Maybe it's the coconut oil or the vatika oil but i've been using this every night and used the vatika in the morning and my hair isn't at all dry at the roots. I also moisturize twice a day so i don't think moisture is really a problem for me. I can't wait to get a touchup in the next 2-3 weeks to see how much progress i made in the past couple weeks of using this :D !
I love using it and I know that I can tell that it's working in terms of growth, but it does make my pee pee smell like sulfur. Anyone know what that means? Let me know. Otherwise, happy sulfuring!:D
shaydufblu said:
The only side effect I've experienced are those crazy a-- dreams! :lol:

I don't understand how this could give you bad dreams. I heard alot of people mention it here but i guess i ain't seeing something cause i'm not getting why sulfur will make you have bad dreams.
Bad dreams? I was getting some of those before I even thought about using sulphur. Now, tarnishing my silver, that I'm not happy about, but lets see:

Silver earrings....more growth...ummmmmmmmmmmm..I'll take more growth for 200, please! Just!
Nice & Wavy said:
Bad dreams? I was getting some of those before I even thought about using sulphur. Now, tarnishing my silver, that I'm not happy about, but lets see:

Silver earrings....more growth...ummmmmmmmmmmm..I'll take more growth for 200, please! Just!

Yeah, I'm with you: Deal or no deal?:scratchch ...ummmmmmm...DEAL!:lachen:
Nice & Wavy said:
Bad dreams? I was getting some of those before I even thought about using sulphur. Now, tarnishing my silver, that I'm not happy about, but lets see:

Silver earrings....more growth...ummmmmmmmmmmm..I'll take more growth for 200, please! Just!

I know that's right! :lachen: :lachen: