SHS stories

I was thinking that there are signs that your hairdresser is a SHS. So maybe if everyone whose come in contact with one shares their experiences everyone else will know what to watch out for. I will start with my story

I never realized that he was a SHS until I found this forum.
I had bra strap hair 2 years ago. I go away to school and I hadnt seen my stylist in about 5 months I had also retained alot of growth in those few months
. I hilighted my own hair and it looked really nice. When I walked in the salon to get a touch up he got his attitude and wanted to know why I went and did something to my hair without letting him know or asking him for permission(yes he actually said that) and got even more mad when his other customers were asking him to do their hi-lites like mine only for me to say I did them myself. He told me that my hair was damaged which I didnt really agree with because I knew that I was taking care of my hair but back then I used to believe that the hairdresser knew best. He proceeded to trim 5 inches off my hair
I left there with a bob. I was soooooo mad I could have killed him. I will never understand how a TRIM becomes a full blown haircut
He would of gotten hurt over that. 5 INCHES he cut off. OMG. How long ago did this happen? And what is the length of your hair now?
this happened 2 years ago. Last year this time I cut my hair really short(halle berryish) and Im currently around the bottom of my neck
Last thanksgiving I also had a SHS encounter. I was at brastrap with 3 months of new growth. I came for a relaxer, she told me she needs to pay her rent, my hair is too thick to be taking up her time...

Needless to say, she cut off 6-7 inches of hair and I left with hair grazing the bottom of my neck.
I thought she "only" took off 5 inches, but it turned out to be more when I finally saw it at home.
Bobbie, OMG!!
Not coming down on you at all, but the second she made those comments about your hair taking up her time, why didn't you run screaming out of there? You poor dear.
I am a little past bra-strap and if my hair got cut that short, I'd bawl my eyes out.
Bobbie said:
Last thanksgiving I also had a SHS encounter. I was at brastrap with 3 months of new growth. I came for a relaxer, she told me she needs to pay her rent, my hair is too thick to be taking up her time...

Needless to say, she cut off 6-7 inches of hair and I left with hair grazing the bottom of my neck.
I thought she "only" took off 5 inches, but it turned out to be more when I finally saw it at home.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where do they get their nerve? She won't be paying her rent for too long if she keeps treating clients that way!
These stories have me
. As much as I hear about SHS from you all, it still never ceases to amaze me how out of line these stylists can get.
Good Lord,
I am shell shocked by these stories!! Here's mine"

My hair is quite thick and when I have a fresh perm it is not unusual for people to think my hair is a wig. At the time that I was assaulted (yes that's what I consider it) my friend's cousin was doing my hair. I would say that I was grazing shoulder length. She said that I needed a trim and since I'd never had a problem with her before, I said go ahead. She proceeded to cut my hair up to my ear.

When she swiveled that chair around to the mirror....

The only reason I didn't jump her was because I didnt want to go to jail

Needless to say I didnt speak to her for years and NEVER let her near my head again!!!!
I don't know if this is a SHS story, but I had splits so I went in between touchups to get a "trim". She cut off 4 inches. I was about an 1-2" from waist at the time. The hair was evened out all around though and I tried to be happy that the splits were gone. But I was devastated for sure and now I'm afraid to get a "trim" anymore.
I can't even compare my little ole' story with ya'lls, I'm sorry you guys had to experience that hair trauma. I got a trim once and my co-worker told me the next day, I like your hair cut. I was so sad and that was the LAST TIME that stylists trimmed my hair.