Shoulder 2 Waist In 2 Years?


New Member
Right now my hair is shoulder length. Waist length is about 12-15 inches away for me. Do you think this is possible to achieve by the end of 2007? If hair grows an average rate of 1/2 inch per month that's 6 in a year. That's 12 in two years. So by August07 I could have 12 inches. And then figure another couple of inches for September, October, November, and December. What do y'all think?
If you retain the growth, I think it's possible.

Good Luck!

I would rather llive my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.-unknown
Cookie507, I hope it's possible since I am trying to get from shoulder to waistlength in little over a year (December 2006). I figure that since I only need about 13 more inches, I should reach it if I can bring my growth rate up to 1 inch per month. Am I delusional? :ohwell:
thanks for the encouragement everyone...i'm on the waist length by 07 challenge and i was just wondering if it was possible.

i think i should be able to do it because i don't have any breakage and i keep my hair in really good condition. i know i can grow my hair to waist length for a fact because when i was relaxed the longest layer was about 2 inches from my waist. its really just a matter of can i grow my hair to waist length in two years!
I think your goal is very realistic. :yep:

Many of us can attest to growth of at least 1/2 inch per month. Like some of the ladies commented already in this thread, the challenges come when trying to hold on to that length. You are already ahead of the game because you are starting out with healthy hair. If you can continue to keep split ends and breakage at bay, not let those things occur, then you'll be able to hold on to most if not all of the growth that you are getting. Therefore, I think you can be successful in the Waistlength by 2007 Challenge. I say go for it. The hardest part is shifting your mind into a belief mode. Once you do that, the rest will follow, such as practicing consistency and persistency, the queen:Crowned: and king :king::yep: of any successful hair routine!
Chicoro said:
I think your goal is very realistic. :yep:

Many of us can attest to growth of at least 1/2 inch per month. Like some of the ladies commented already in this thread, the challenges come when trying to hold on to that length. You are already ahead of the game because you are starting out with healthy hair. If you can continue to keep split ends and breakage at bay, not let those things occur, then you'll be able to hold on to most if not all of the growth that you are getting. Therefore, I think you can be successful in the Waistlength by 2007 Challenge. I say go for it. The hardest part is shifting your mind into a belief mode. Once you do that, the rest will follow, such as practicing consistency and persistency, the queen:Crowned: and king :king::yep: of any successful hair routine!

Thanks so much. That's just the encouragement I needed!:)
cookie507 said:
Right now my hair is shoulder length. Waist length is about 12-15 inches away for me. Do you think this is possible to achieve by the end of 2007? If hair grows an average rate of 1/2 inch per month that's 6 in a year. That's 12 in two years. So by August07 I could have 12 inches. And then figure another couple of inches for September, October, November, and December. What do y'all think?

Anything is possible with good hair care! Especially if you get to know your hair and what works for it.

ITA, it's possible withenough care, dedication, and patience-and a good hair regime that works for you. Be optimistic why not, it can happen.