Should I stretch or touch-up?


Well-Known Member
I am graduating on April 30. I want my hair looking good for that one day. I will have my cap and gown on. My last touch-up was December 31, 2005. I want to stretch as long as I can. I dont know if I should just blow-dry and flat iron or give myself a touch-up. What do all of you think? Any suggestions? :look:

BTW my hair lengh is at collar bone.
If you are determined to see the stretch through, I would either blow-out/flat iron or if I were in your position, I would just wig-it for the occasion; a nice long(ish) wig that would show well under your grad-cap. BTW, congratulations on your gradulation!
Have you thought about getting a Dominican blowout? I think that's what I'm gonna do the day before Graduation. I'm tired of all these damn weaves. I'm gonna be broke until I start working so I won't be able to relax until then. I hope I find something soon though. :ohwell:

A dominican wash/set/blow out will definitely give you a relaxed look...but I agree with UmSumayyah, humidity could ruin it, especially under a cap. I had my hair weaved for my college graduation a few years ago.

I'm a fan of the quickweave, and it will look good under coming out of the cap, just flat iron the front so it blends well with the quickweave hair. You won't have to spend as much as you would getting a weave. I got mine for $30.

Try I bought mine in a store, but plan on ordering additional quick weaves from this site.

bmoreflyygirl said:
Have you thought about getting a Dominican blowout? I think that's what I'm gonna do the day before Graduation. I'm tired of all these damn weaves. I'm gonna be broke until I start working so I won't be able to relax until then. I hope I find something soon though. :ohwell:

THis sounds good. How would I locate a Dominican Salon near me?
growingbrown said:
THis sounds good. How would I locate a Dominican Salon near me?

You could post a message in the Salon Review section and see if any ladies here know of or have been to any in your area. Or look in the phone book for the spanish looking named salons. lol That's what I did and I lucked up. Where are you located?