Should I Go For Time or Growth

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I usually retouch 8 - 10 wks. Well somewhere between last retouch and now I've gained an inch which is about what I normally have at the 8 to 10 mark but it has only been just 6wks.

So I don't know If I should go, based on the New Growth or Based on Weeks?

Or does it matter??

Hey mindymouse, I have the same "problem" and what a wonderful problem to have.

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Yeah I guess so...
Maybe I'll put in some big french braids and leave them in a week or two, at least i'll be closer to the mark
I go for time because it's easier for me. But seeing that hair normally grows faster in the summer you may want to go for growth.
I think i now see why u guys wait so long and what u guys mean having more length retained when u wait out longer on gettin touchups. Cause i have my hair in the same bantu knots i had some months b4 and im having all this breakage. I'm using the same pills, etc and having breakage. I now think i know why. This perm is prolyl whats causing it. When i first started this board, hair regimen and pills my hair had no perm and the hair was much stronger and did not break as easily as now. :^P So im prolyl gonna go w/o a perm the rest of this year and do light presses.
Keke, I would imagine that keeping your hair in bantu knots is like keeping braids in for awhile. You probably lost shedded hair. It may have to do with the relaxer, but I think it's the bantu knots more so. I wait because my hair grows slowly and I just don't have enough of outgrowth in 8 weeks. 10 to 12 work better for me. Yes, I loose hair - but honestly I'm more comfortable with that right now then overprocessing from relaxing too soon. Be careful with your light presses, don't do them to often and remember to condition well.
If you have a problem with breakage at the line of demarcation then you should go for growth and not time, if your hair takes 4mths to get an inch you probably would feel less inclined to get more touch-ups, but if it's an inch in a month you' be more inlcined so you won't get a lot of breakage.
If you have a problem with breakage at the line of demarcation then you should go for growth and not time, if your hair takes 4mths to get an inch you probably would feel less inclined to get more touch-ups, but if it's an inch in a month you' be more inlcined so you won't get a lot of breakage.

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So true!
I'd say if the hair is not breaking and it still looks good and is still easy to handle then wait. I can cause you no harm. And it will lessen the chance of overlapping.
Thanks guys... So far I have'nt noticed any significant breakage.

Guess I'll play it by ear.
Yeah that's what I'm doing too Mindymouse. Playing it by ear, because I'm at my 9th week and have the same amount of new growth I usually have by my 11th or 12th week. I'm trying to go for 12 weeks. I'm not having any breakage so I'm going to continue doing what I've been doing (moisturizing a lot and washing twice a week).
Well after lookin at my hair more closely i noticed that i have ONE inch of new growth inless than a month :^D Oo i am soo happy of that, i hope this continues EVERY month. this is the fastest i've ever seen, i wonder whats happened. I'm takin the same pills i have b4. Maybe its cause i got these hair skin nails vit's in a New York GNC or something. hmm.
Yeah that's what I'm doing too Mindymouse. Playing it by ear, because I'm at my 9th week and have the same amount of new growth I usually have by my 11th or 12th week. I'm trying to go for 12 weeks. I'm not having any breakage so I'm going to continue doing what I've been doing (moisturizing a lot and washing twice a week).

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Wow, you and I are in the same exact boat! I usually wait for 12 weeks as well, and this time, I'm trying to go until the 2nd week in November, which will be 19 weeks
. If I can do this with little/no breakage, then I will. But if disaster strikes shall strike....

Try to aim for a date, but pay really close attention to the condition of your hair. And don't get down on yourself if you can't last until your set date