Should I get a blow ou or should I relax?


New Member
Hey ladies,
I am trying to grow out my hair, like everyone else. I have decided to extend my relaxers. I talked to a few friends who have vey pretty hair and they said they went a semester without relaxing. So I was going to wait until Decmeber 30 to relax.I plan on taking trip in late October and haven't had a relaxer since the second to last week of August. Should I relax my hair or go to the Dominicans and have them blow it out?Which one is healthier for my hair?
It depends on how much time your hair can spend w/o getting a touch-up, but until then definately blow dry and moisterize/condition x 3.
My advice would be to blow it out and try to keep your hair in protective styles for the majority of the time and keep the ends moisturized.
I know how it is trying to stretch out those relaxers. My last relaxer was July 14th and I don't plan to relax until Nov 1st. I usually keep my hair in protective styles, but now I will opt for a style using flexirods to give the appearance that my hair is fuller. Exactly how many weeks do you wait in between relaxers?