Should I Feel bad?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to my dear friends wedding in Vancouver. I've known her for 18 years. The plane ticket was almost 500$, and I'll be staying for a 6 days and expect to spend at least 2-300 on food/activities.

This was a bit of a last minute affair and she did not get a gift registry.

The issue is I feel bad about my gift. It's a card with 150$ in it. I'm not working now and my funds are low. I feel kinda bootleg with my gift, as I've known her for so long, but at the same time I'm in a temp. state of brokeness. She and her gf(lesbian wedding) don't make much money, so I was thinking at least this will help a little with their wedding costs.

I feel like I'm overanalyzing. I wish I could afford to give them more.
No you should not feel bad, about your gift. It is the thought that counts. They probably would be greatful knowing how the economy is. People don't have alot of mioney to be spending on the extras. So you friends might be alittle understanding.

Yes you are over analyzing. You are spending a lot of money to go to the wedding. I'm sure she knows you're not working.
No you're no over analyzing. You are incurring a lot of cost just to be there. I'm sure your friend will be most happy that you're there. Enjoy!
no need to feel bad..give what you can from the can't give what you don't have and if you try to you will only cause things to go bad for yourself.....
With all the money and the short notice that you have taken the time to go out there. They should be happy you are giving something at all. Don't feel bad at all
Heck no, read through your post again. You're shelling ot $500 to be there and more just for the expenses and giving a monetary gift. All of that when you dont have it to give You're a great friend.
^^^ I agree, to me that's a lot for a gift. (granted my friends are pretty young.)

I was a bridesmaid in a wedding overseas, plane ticket was almost $700. We stayed with the family so the only expense was food and drink. Bride paid for the bridesmaids' dresses and all. The only gift she got from us was the gift of love and our presence at the wedding.
I wouldn't feel bad. As said, the fact that you have travel costs and all of that make the situation completely understandable. You have given what you can afford and made a lot of effort to attend their wedding day. For that they should be thankful and you shouldn't feel guilty.
You're giving them $150 cash?? That's a lot to me right there. She'll be fine!

Yeah, that is a lot for a gift even if you were a local guest. Shoot, I need to invite you to my wedding.

Plus, It's understood you don't have to spend a lot on the gift if you have to spend to travel to make the wedding.
Yeah, that is a lot for a gift even if you were a local guest. Shoot, I need to invite you to my wedding.

Plus, It's understood you don't have to spend a lot on the gift if you have to spend to travel to make the wedding.

Yes, if she is dissapointed in $150, then boo-hoo scooby doo. I'll take it for her. A lot of people just regift or get some run of the mill household item. You're giving her the gift of decision and choice.
:blowkiss: to all of you lovely ladies who took the time to respond! I truly feel loads better about the situation!

I know I tend to overthink everything to death and feel like I always have to go above and beyond for everyone, ya'll really made me realize that I am doing my best. They are very understanding and appreciative people. Thanks again and be blessed!!!