Should I dump my stylist??? (kinda long)


SuperDuper Member
Okay,here's the history:
I've been loving my stylist for about 3 years. I've even followed her to 3 different salons that she started working at. We've even gone on a ski trip together and we've gone out for drinks twice- she's like a friend... like one that you have a convo with when you see her, but we don't call each other like BFFs or anything. I've endured overbooking and staying late-nights because of the overbooking (at previous salons- this salon never overbooked before yesterday- I'm usually out in 2-3 hours). best of all, she's not sissor happy AND my hair always turns out like it was done in a Dominican salon. I've always felt that she's had my hair's best interest at heart... that she didn't BS me when it came to my hair.

Here's what happened yesterday:
I went to my 4:00PM appt alittle late, I got there at 4:20PM. When I got there, there was 2 people ahead of me- SHE WAS OVERBOOKED. :wallbash: Okay, I didn't get into the chair until about 5:30. I was getting a touch up. After the relaxer was washed out and I was blowdried, I put my fingers through my hair. It STILL had a few wavy areas in my hair (my last perm was 3/28/08). It also didn't feel like it usually did after I get the Affirm regular relaxer that I usually get. When I tell her that she missed a few (like 3) spots, she touches the aread and tells me "oh, that's just the way she (shampoo girl) blowdried your hair. I'll see what's going on when I go to straighten it." Okay, now I'm getting pissed because she's trying to play me by insulting my intelligence. I'm trying to hold my composure because I don't want to fly off the handle. I'm thinking if I should say something else at this point. I'm being silent, no convo or anything. She's trying to make small talk to a brick wall-me. So then this ****, while straightening says "Oh, yeah, that perm really went through nicely! * this is after she just straightened the area* See, feel it!" At this point, I guess my name is Booboo the Fool. I told her "Yeah, you can straighten unpermed hair, so yeah it's straight." Long story short, I am pissed because she didn't even keep it real with me. I would've rather her say "Yeah, I did miss some spots, I'm sorry and I'll take care of that on your next visit" or something like that. Instead, she tried to BS me and I am SO not feeling that. Oh, by the way, I didn't get out of the salon until almost 10:30PM from my 4:00PM appt:nono: My last trim that I got to get rid of all my bad ends was free too, she hooked me up. She didn't have an attitude after this either and she curled my hair just like normal. BUT she sprayed a bit of spritz on my curls when she was done, SHE KNOWS I HATE SPRITZ. Maybe she was just alittle off today... I dunno.

I've never had this problem from her before. She admitted that she needed money, so that's why she was over booked. I got $10 off my visit. The visit cost me $50.00

Should I dump my stylist or should I just take this as a bad day and give her another chance?
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Give her another chance, if it happens again....DUMP HER!! I am buggin that you were in there 6 1/2 hours. :eek: That's why I'm glad I'm a DIY'er. :rolleyes:
Since this seems out of the norm for her, I say give her another chance. I think she was having an off day. Based on what you wrote, it appears that she is a good stylist. Yesterday was just a bad day for her.
Give her another chance, if it happens again....DUMP HER!! I am buggin that you were in there 6 1/2 hours. :eek: That's why I'm glad I'm a DIY'er. :rolleyes:
You know what? I'm also pretty much a DIY'er. I usually only go in there for my touch up, trim or if I want to feel pampered before a special event. The rest of the time, I do it myself. I also used to do my own perms... I'm considering going back to doing that.
If you shampoo and find that your hair is underprocessed in the areas you mentioned to her, I would kindly call her up and tell her. I would see how she handles the situation. For the most part, I would probably continue going to her BUT I would watch her like a hawk. :sekret:

If she keeps it real with you like you said, you should do the same with her...let her know how you feel (but make sure its the right time and place).
Wow, the joy of working with the public. So you want to lose your friend and a good stylist over 3 spots of wavy roots? What did you want her to do with the spots; tell you they were wavy? Chemicals are not 100% so maybe the product they had was old. It could have nothing to do with her.

She was late. If you didn't like it you could have left but you decided to endure the wait. Why complain about it now? She gave you a discount for your trouble. What more do you want?
After 3 years of good service, I would give her another chance!
I mean, I've had stylists do a lot worse than just under-process small areas of my hair... WITHOUT ANY COMPENSATION! I don't think it's that serious :nono:.
She even gave you 10% back. Just watch her more closely next time, that's all.
Wow, the joy of working with the public. So you want to lose your friend and a good stylist over 3 spots of wavy roots? What did you want her to do with the spots; tell you they were wavy? Chemicals are not 100% so maybe the product they had was old. It could have nothing to do with her.

She was late. If you didn't like it you could have left but you decided to endure the wait. Why complain about it now? She gave you a discount for your trouble. What more do you want?

Well, I was a customer before I was her friend. My issue is the roots, but moreso her reaction to that, treating me like I didn't know any better and not being real with me. In all the years I've used Affirm, I have NEVER had wavy roots after PROPER application. Oh, and when I say wavy roots, I mean my new growth- it was untouched by the relaxer. If that was the case, wouldn't my ENTIRE head be wavy if it was the product and not the application?

I am well aware of my options to leave if I wish. Actually, I complained there, in the chair- that's why I got the discount. Because I didn't accept her lame excuse for my newgrowth being untouched, not because she offered it when she felt through my hair. I am not complaining now, I am explaining the situation to you. I am asking LHCF on advice on if I should go back to her or not. The discount is not my problem, it's more so being treated like an uneducated consumer. I don't like having my intelligence insulted.
Have you expressed your disdain for the overbooking?
Because she's at a new shop, this was the first time she's been overbooked for my appt. When she came to this shop, I told her that I was happy because I hated that she was overbooked all the time at her last shop. So yes, I told her, but only after she left the salon that did the overbooking. When I went to the overbooked shop, I'd just prepared to sit basically all day to get my hair done. The atmosphere and conversation was nice, so sometimes I didn't mind- but then sometimes it got on my nerves...

OT: MPJ, I LOVE your siggy pic :lol:
I agree with the other posters that you should give her another chance. Everybody has an off-day at some point. Plus, finding a good hairdresser is like finding a needle in a hay stack.
I understand, and I think you did a good thing by venting. Because you vented online you have written down exactly what upset you.

I think the mature way to handle it is to go to her/call her, and tell you what you were disappointed with and how you it made you feel, and and how you would rather things go in the future.

Maybe that day she was extra stressed or something. That way, in the future, she knows that she's got to be real with you instead of brushing it off.


I didnt read your later posts b4 I started the message, but I still think you should give her a second chance.
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Give her another chance. Perhaps the reason those parts didn't process well was due to too much product on the new growth prior to relaxer application or a whole host of reasonts. Ish happens though and finding a new person to relax your hair takes a lot of time, so I don't think it's worth it to leave b/c of this one mishap that's somewhat minor, IMO.
Atleast it's not over processed. And i take it your hair is still healthy. I had stylist over process my hair and stuff. At lot of stylist think they know everything just to keep their customers. You just got to play the game right
I am not quite sure. The amount of years and the friendship, leans me towards giving her another chance.

In Miami, I have a stylist that I love and been using for over 11 years. But I have not lived there in over 4-5 years. But everytime I go down there, I go see her. She has had a few off days too. But she is always courteous and gentle with my hair. Once or twice she tried to skate over a mistake of I have been where you are. But there are so few stylists who really care about your opinion and the health of your hair, so do not be too quick to chair hop.

Use your judgment. Overbooking drives me I feel you on that! But going to a good stylist, there are always a few tradeoffs.
Thanks for your advice ladies. I guess I won't dump her... unless that happens again... I do love her being my stylist. Maybe she was having a bad day. I was tired too because I came there straight from work too. I was getting stressed today just thinking about the process and risk of finding someone new to do my hair. Thanks again for helping avoid making a rash decision. I knew I could count on you ladies to steer me in the right direction... :grouphug:
If you shampoo and find that your hair is underprocessed in the areas you mentioned to her, I would kindly call her up and tell her. I would see how she handles the situation. For the most part, I would probably continue going to her BUT I would watch her like a hawk. :sekret:

If she keeps it real with you like you said, you should do the same with her...let her know how you feel (but make sure its the right time and place).

I agree 100%, I would still call her and say "...Girl, you know you give the bomb touch ups, but you know, my roots are not what they should be. You have definately hooked me up in the past and I not happy with this application. I know you are busy, want you to take a look at it again when you get a chance..."

Starting out on a positive note, will help the confrontation go smoother. But she would not be getting away with my kinky roots remaining as is. If she's as good as you say, she probably won't contest retouching them on your next visit.

Good luck.
Now that we all helped you make your decision. Do us a solid. Update that fotki of yours! :grin: I am such a fotki whore.


Actually this thread is fine without pics. But I am just trying to pound in my request even harder. :rofl:
I say give her another chance.

1) She under processed you which can always be corrected at your next visit.

2) She admitted that she double booked (this is where they usually try and insult a person's intelligence but she didn't. She was honest).

3) She had the common decency, courtesy, and professionalism to give you a discount.

4) She didn't take her bad day out on you.

5) She didn't act like having you wait that long was acceptable, i.e. the discount.

Here is my experience of a stylist that was "dump" worthy:
Now that we all helped you make your decision. Do us a solid. Update that fotki of yours! :grin: I am such a fotki whore.


Actually this thread is fine without pics. But I am just trying to pound in my request even harder. :rofl:
:lol: I promise, I will make that my goal to do before 6/13/08. I know my fotki is a old mess too. I want to clean it up and update it. You are too funny!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

ETA: I'm going to do a folder with just protective HairZing styles too :yep:... (watch, I bet somebody bites my idea now :lol:)
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I agree with everybody, give her another chance, but remember you were 20 minutes late to your appt. and to a stylist that booth rents, time is money and if no one is in the chair, then she is not able to pay her bills.

Sometimes stylist don't smooth all areas as well as others or they are embarrassed to admit that they didn't do as well on your hair, because they are suppose to be the professional. She is human and she was probably having an off day, which we all have. However, let her know that the relaxer did not take in those 3 areas and ask her if she can apply some relaxer in those sections only to make sure all hairs are processed.

It sounds like she is a good stylist and the next stylist you go to might not be as good and you may end up looking like the back of a goats butt. :lachen:
I agree with everybody, give her another chance, but remember you were 20 minutes late to your appt. and to a stylist that booth rents, time is money and if no one is in the chair, then she is not able to pay her bills.

Sometimes stylist don't smooth all areas as well as others or they are embarrassed to admit that they didn't do as well on your hair, because they are suppose to be the professional. She is human and she was probably having an off day, which we all have. However, let her know that the relaxer did not take in those 3 areas and ask her if she can apply some relaxer in those sections only to make sure all hairs are processed.

It sounds like she is a good stylist and the next stylist you go to might not be as good and you may end up looking like the back of a goats butt. :lachen:
:blush: Oh God no!!! :lol: I so will not come out of the house if that happens! :lachen:
I say give her another chance.

1) She under processed you which can always be corrected at your next visit.

2) She admitted that she double booked (this is where they usually try and insult a person's intelligence but she didn't. She was honest).

3) She had the common decency, courtesy, and professionalism to give you a discount.

4) She didn't take her bad day out on you.

5) She didn't act like having you wait that long was acceptable, i.e. the discount.

Here is my experience of a stylist that was "dump" worthy:
Wow.. just wow. I just read your link.... that chick was CRAZY! Good thing you're a nice lady... cuz it could've been curtains for her talking to people like that :nono:
I say give her another chance.

1) She under processed you which can always be corrected at your next visit.

2) She admitted that she double booked (this is where they usually try and insult a person's intelligence but she didn't. She was honest).

3) She had the common decency, courtesy, and professionalism to give you a discount.

4) She didn't take her bad day out on you.

5) She didn't act like having you wait that long was acceptable, i.e. the discount.

Here is my experience of a stylist that was "dump" worthy:
I read your story and oh my god you are so nice, I don't think I would have let her touch my hair and it would have been really hard for me not to have told her off as soon as she started speaking about me to someone else. In my age now I can't be bothered with nonsense I have to let you and every one else know theres a problem. I guess I do have the ghetto in me and I am not ashame but I keep it down unless there really is a time for people to get told and that moment would have been the time.

To the OP I think you should give her another chance, she probably was just having a bad day and yeah I agree she should have told you what the deal was but who knows what she been throught that day. I would let her know what I was feeling as well. Good stylist are very very hard to find especially ones you can trust.