Should I Cut Out My Layers?


Active Member
Tomorrow I will be getting a relaxer after 11 weeks post. I would like to cut my layers out into an even bob. I feel it may grow healthier and faster at an even length and without the over-abused hairs. I would also like to get a rinse (maybe black) put in. I have also debated about whether to wait two weeks after the relaxer and get some highlites (minus the rinse that is). I am just afraid that I will damage my hair with the highlites. My hair has been doing so good since I left the heating appliances along back in the summer that I do not want to jinx it. I need a change though. Any suggestions?
imo, get the rinse and don't get highlights. they ruined my hair! it took me almost a year to get my hair back on track, and my highlights only looked good for about two months. they're so not worth the trouble.
I have highlights and they're still looking good, depending on how I fix my hair lol. Do not...... I repeat........... DO NOT LET ANYONE USE BLEACH ON YOUR HAIR!!!! When I got them the first time... (from another stylist) she used bleach and they came out. The stylist I have now used a permanent haircolor and it looks really good, but it is really drying. Once I realized what my hair needed and begain to pamper it, it was ok. Will I get them again? Probably.... but if I spend alot of time in the sun, I won't need to. It changes during the summer.

As far as layers...... I have my hair cut in layers. Mainly because when my hair is in a blunt cut it looks thinner because of the heaviness. If you can maintain the look of thickness with a blunt cut and it's what you want, go for it! :)