Should I cut off my thin relaxed ends? PICS


New Member
Ok, I need your opinion. The last 5-6 inches of my hair is relaxed straight while the rest is texlaxed. It's been driving me crazy to have two different textures like this for a while. The texlaxed portion is thick (as thick as my hair can get) and the relaxed ends are thin. I keep cutting it; in September I cut 3 inches off. And now I just want to cut off the remaining 5-6 inches. I am so confused though because I really want to hit waist length soon, but every time I get past bra-strap, I feel compelled to cut off more of the stringy relaxed ends. Anyway, what should I do?

PS. I am a cut-a-holic. I love to cut, but hate the setbacks.

Only showing half my hair - WET


I cut my hair 1.8.10
Here are the pics



I also have videos of me cutting my hair
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I say if your ends are healthy, i.e no splits and you are not fighting a major battle with the two textures, then leave them be and gradually trim away. The length lost would be less shocking and easier on the mind.
for me, i would snip-snip.

if i were waliking in your shoes, i would totally focus on how it will grow back thick and lush like the rest of your natural texture! i would be too excited about my future growth potential to worry about those ends.
I say if your ends are healthy, i.e no splits and you are not fighting a major battle with the two textures, then leave them be and gradually trim away. The length lost would be less shocking and easier on the mind.

I dunno about healthy :( But I am not worried about being shocked by chopping off my length. It's just I hate to not make any progress year after year.
for me, i would snip-snip.

if i were waliking in your shoes, i would totally focus on how it will grow back thick and lush like the rest of your natural texture! i would be too excited about my future growth potential to worry about those ends.

Good point, nice way of looking at it.
I dunno about healthy :( But I am not worried about being shocked by chopping off my length. It's just I hate to not make any progress year after year.

but you WILL be making progress. i would cut them off. cant move into ther future by hanging onto the past right? start fresh, you will feel so much better. thats what i did 3 years ago. i never had a perm but my ends were thin from mistreating it. so just do it:drunk::drunk:
If you're mentally prepared for the shorter hair then I say CUT IT... you know it will grow back and be just as thick as your tex-laxed hair. And IMO shorter, but THICKER hair is progress.
well it looks like they are thin all the way up to about seven inches. dont mean to scare you. but i would say chop about six inches off. then by this time next year your hair will be the ishhh. when i cut my hair off i cut about four inches off. i felt really good about it becuause it got thinker without all those thinnnnnn piece hanging on like they belonged on sombody elses hair. you will feel good after. than month by month you will see length, the kind of length that you want.

This is what it looks like flat ironed. My hair is fine so it does look alot thinner wet. But I can't stand to see the contrast between the wet texlax hair and the wet relaxed hair.
well it looks like they are thin all the way up to about seven inches. dont mean to scare you. but i would say chop about six inches off. then by this time next year your hair will be the ishhh. when i cut my hair off i cut about four inches off. i felt really good about it becuause it got thinker without all those thinnnnnn piece hanging on like they belonged on sombody elses hair. you will feel good after. than month by month you will see length, the kind of length that you want.

7 inches! I am definitely not cutting that much off at once. Max I can do in one sitting is 5". I'll have a heart attack.
there is quite difference when it is dry....

i def see why you are on the fence! could you stand to see you hair wet if you chop off little by little monthly til those ends are gone?

that way you can satisfy getting rid of those ends and also hold on to some length. but if you did snip, you still have a very helathy beautiful head of hair that can easily grab all your attention and make you forget about the cut in no time.
i want to add that if you did cut then due to the sharp contrast of your ends when they are wet vs dry, i would cut it dry to get a better idea of what the end result will be.

gosh, hth. i can see where you are coming from.
there is quite difference when it is dry....

i def see why you are on the fence! could you stand to see you hair wet if you chop off little by little monthly til those ends are gone?

that way you can satisfy getting rid of those ends and also hold on to some length. but if you did snip, you still have a very helathy beautiful head of hair that can easily grab all your attention and make you forget about the cut in no time.

:) I could try the little by little method but I do get scissors happy and tend to go overboard. I no longer cut my hair wet. I won't get even results when I cut it wet, there is too much shrinkage. I have to flat iron first.
I agree with some of the other posters, I would take a nice thick head of healthy hair over long any day. It is making progress, just not from a length perspective. Your hair will look a lot better, hold styles a lot better, have more body, etc just from a simple cut. You don't have to do it all at once, if you have five inches to cut, you can cut 2.5 inches now, then in 3 to four more months cut another 2.5 inches. Or you can cut all 5inches on Jan 1rst!!! LOL I plan on doing mini cuts every quarter because I hate how icky my ends are from all the years of heat abuse...

This is what it looks like flat ironed. My hair is fine so it does look alot thinner wet. But I can't stand to see the contrast between the wet texlax hair and the wet relaxed hair.

OKKK WOW, IT LOOKS WAYYYY BETTER WHEN DRY!! you should just trim. i thought you needed alott more cut off. but looking at it now. you only need a trim. maybe an inch. girl you should have posted this dry pick first!!:lachen:
Just like any chop, you have to be preapred to deal with having shorter hair.. if I were you I would chop so that way I wouldn't have to deal with the 2 textures and it would be a lot thicker.. HTH
DO NOT CUT IT! Your hair looks fine. If you must cut, snip only about a half inch to one inch after each relaxer.
I agree with some of the other posters, I would take a nice thick head of healthy hair over long any day. It is making progress, just not from a length perspective. Your hair will look a lot better, hold styles a lot better, have more body, etc just from a simple cut. You don't have to do it all at once, if you have five inches to cut, you can cut 2.5 inches now, then in 3 to four more months cut another 2.5 inches. Or you can cut all 5inches on Jan 1rst!!! LOL I plan on doing mini cuts every quarter because I hate how icky my ends are from all the years of heat abuse...

Thanks for the idea- New years cut. Sounds good
I wouldn't cut it if your goal is growth and getting to waistlength. Although, slightly thinner than the rest, your ends still look good and healthy. I would slowly trim little by little.
Guess im in the minority.... I say leave it be......if the ends arent damaged why cut?

It appears to me that you have fine hair and as hair grows out its thin...i mean at best maybe a 1 or 2inch trim for style purposes, if you must lol

If you have managed the two textures this long I do not see a problem you hair looks fine to me.

I say leave it :)