Should I cut it or should I wait and see how it looks?


Well-Known Member
I have been on this journey for almost 2 years and I am starting to get discouraged. Now that I am SL going for APL and I see growth, I just notice that I don't like the way my hair looks. The right side of my hair looks much shorter than the left. You can practically see through the right compared to the left to me and that is not good. :nono: And my hair grows in layers so that makes it even worse. I am wondering if I should just cut it back to the bottom of neck length so it looks neater or if I should wait until my touch up at the end of March, trim and hope that it looks better. I just feel blah. I know my hair is way healthier than it was 2 years ago but for some reason this side just hates me and won't grow. Or grows and breaks off. I normally cowash daily, shampoo once a week, light protein once a week and dc once sometimes twice a week. Since I have fine hair and it gets weighed down easily I don't use a lot of products (anymore:look:) I only use a light leave in after I wash but noticed that my right side didn't like that so I moisturize that side more (2x a day). And it feels better, it just doesn't look better. I am relaxed, rarely use heat, stretch my relaxers, etc. I don't see any split ends but get regular trims anyway with every touch up about every 3-4 months. So I have no idea why my hair is acting up. I don't know what to do. Do I cut? Should I wait? I just don't know.
Keep moisturizing, do some DC treatments, and wear it up in protective styles so ou don't have to see and focus on it. You may want to check our diet, how you sleep (which side) and vitamins. Everyone has a side or and area on their head that grows much fast than the rest then the rest catch up. nth
I have been on this journey for almost 2 years and I am starting to get discouraged. Now that I am SL going for APL and I see growth, I just notice that I don't like the way my hair looks. The right side of my hair looks much shorter than the left. You can practically see through the right compared to the left to me and that is not good. :nono: And my hair grows in layers so that makes it even worse. I am wondering if I should just cut it back to the bottom of neck length so it looks neater or if I should wait until my touch up at the end of March, trim and hope that it looks better. I just feel blah. I know my hair is way healthier than it was 2 years ago but for some reason this side just hates me and won't grow. Or grows and breaks off. I normally cowash daily, shampoo once a week, light protein once a week and dc once sometimes twice a week. Since I have fine hair and it gets weighed down easily I don't use a lot of products (anymore:look:) I only use a light leave in after I wash but noticed that my right side didn't like that so I moisturize that side more (2x a day). And it feels better, it just doesn't look better. I am relaxed, rarely use heat, stretch my relaxers, etc. I don't see any split ends but get regular trims anyway with every touch up about every 3-4 months. So I have no idea why my hair is acting up. I don't know what to do. Do I cut? Should I wait? I just don't know.

I really want to know why are you using protein once a weeK? I mean I think it is too much but I am natural. how are you wearing your hair doing that day?
I think you should leave it alone all of our hair grow uneven but it is so much easier to hide when you do wash n go's which is why I love natural because you don't worry too much about your hair being even. If you wear it in different buns I guess you can hide it while it grows out and I think it may look ok with a braid out. but don't cut it it may just need to catch up.