Should I call him?

Should I call him?

  • Yes - it's only polite!

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Nah girl, let him chase you!

    Votes: 37 88.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies

Okay so I posted about my first date with Dutch Chocolate here. I just realized that I do have his contact information - his home phone. Should I call him and say I had a nice time or wait for him to contact me again?

I am not sure what's good dating etiquette on this one . . . .
Lol...why didn't you tell him you had a nice time when you were saying goodbye? Wait, let him call. If he still doesn't call after 4 or 5 days, then call and say hi, what's up. You can gauge his reaction and see if he's worth your time. For now, just chill...
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Thanks ladies for confirming my hunch!!! (Now I bet you FIVE DOLLAS that when I go post this same question my other messageboard with mostly 2520 ladies the answer will be different. :lol:)
Girl, if you want to call all means call. Calling him won't give you the "desperate" label. A casual conversation won't hurt.
Let him call you. If he had set up another date, at the end of the first date, then maybe I would have made a different choice. As of now, you really don't know where you stand, so let him show you. ;)
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Hey ladies

Okay so I posted about my first date with Dutch Chocolate here. I just realized that I do have his contact information - his home phone. Should I call him and say I had a nice time or wait for him to contact me again?

I am not sure what's good dating etiquette on this one . . . .


I just wanted to let you know that I'm real excited for you and this new prospect (assuming that he is) and I hope it works out!!

As for you calling, give him two to three days tops. I'm sure if you have his number he has yours too, right? If so, he knows how to reach you.

I was hoping he would've at least asked if you got in safely after the date (provided he didn't escort you home) and if he hasn't...well....:look:

Wishing you the best!
I was hoping he would've at least asked if you got in safely after the date (provided he didn't escort you home) and if he hasn't...well....:look:

He walked me to my floor (but not my door). Just as well, though . . . a good night kiss was not in order and him taking me to the door would've been awkward!
Do you by any chance have an address for him? If so, I'd recommend sending a thank you card for the meal, the Toblerone, the good company, etc.

If not, I'd say give him a call and express your appreciation. Good luck!
I've got nothing against a call a day or two later - just to say thank you and that you enjoyed the evening. That's it. No inquires about getting together again, maybe a little light conversation on your day. Short conversation. ;)

I think that saying thank you is courteous - and while it should happen after the date, reaffirming it isn't a bad thing.
Just to be clear, I did thank him at the end of the meal. I said, "Thank you for the invitation," and he said, "Thank you for accepting!" :D
Then, nope. No need to call. You are too busy to call right?

At the very least, if you don't call he will wonder where you are, what you are doing and call you. Just go about your business (work, school, whatever you do) you don't think too much about it (making it easier to NOT call).
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Call him if you're interested! Why wait..? show him you're interested.
IF he's not interested you'll find out.. instead of waiting and playing the game. If he is then he knows you are.
I wish relationships would be without this wait a certain amount of days to call and all that. If you like someone it should be easy. (I know its not, but can't I wish?)
oh what a perfect world that would be.
Do you by any chance have an address for him? If so, I'd recommend sending a thank you card for the meal, the Toblerone, the good company, etc.

Don't do this. Please :look: It was just a date, not an interview with for your dream job, sending documents in the mail will just look very thirsty (no offense, Eritreladiee). Also, I wouldn't over-thank either, as though you're grateful to him for taking you out when all he did was take you out, an event that was hopefully mutually beneficial.
ditto the above...waaaay too much.

I say don't call. Let him do the chasing. We always giving in and doing the first call.

If he wants this relationship to go somewhere he'll call. Think of all the guys(if you have had any) that you weren't interested in calling. I bet they called you eventually. If he calls this way you'll always be certain that he likes you no second guessing. We're always the ones that show love easy so we can trust ourselves but we need to allow men to show there part. Then after the second date you can make the first call!!!

Just my opinion
p.s re above I don't mean you love him, but I hope you get the general thing I am trying to say
Don't do this. Please :look: It was just a date, not an interview with for your dream job, sending documents in the mail will just look very thirsty (no offense, Eritreladiee). Also, I wouldn't over-thank either, as though you're grateful to him for taking you out when all he did was take you out, an event that was hopefully mutually beneficial.

Thank you. That is way too much. Glib just wait it out. If he likes you and wants to see you again he will call you.
Don't do this. Please :look: It was just a date, not an interview with for your dream job, sending documents in the mail will just look very thirsty (no offense, Eritreladiee). Also, I wouldn't over-thank either, as though you're grateful to him for taking you out when all he did was take you out, an event that was hopefully mutually beneficial.

I'd let him call you. If you said thank you and told him how to contact you..time for him to make a move.
Don't do this. Please :look: It was just a date, not an interview with for your dream job, sending documents in the mail will just look very thirsty (no offense, Eritreladiee). Also, I wouldn't over-thank either, as though you're grateful to him for taking you out when all he did was take you out, an event that was hopefully mutually beneficial.

LMAO @ sending documents! :lachen:

Ok...maybe it's just me, but I send cutesy little notes for everything :grin:... It's kind of a feminine/creative outlet/social etiquette thing I got going on. Sorry OP, I definitely wasn't trying to have you look thirsty! (But I'mma keep sending my notes though:lachen:)

And MiteyChick - no offense taken ;)
NO, that what's got me into a world of trouble over my teens and early 20's. Let him chase you. Let him call you first. You be busy, even if you're not. Don't give him the satisfication of thinking you're waiting on him by the phone. Don't give him that power. Pray for strength. Let God give you the strength to allow him the man to chase you the pray. He who findeth a wife, findeth a good thing. (I forgot the book and the verse, I'm sorry).