Should have listened...aha moments


Well-Known Member
This is like the second or third time I didn't listen to you guys advice, but found out that you were right and I should have listened. I wrote a thread asking for advice on how to get rid of that burnt hair smell a while back.

What you said: "Get a good heat protectant!" (w/ many recommendations for Chi.)

What I did: I got a cheap heat protectant and still had that burnt hair smell.

AHA Moment: Today I used the CHI ceramic heat protectant I got from PreciousPearls at a meet up, and "AHAA!" (Like Eddie Murphy/ Old Barber at the end of Coming to America :lachen:) No burnt hair smell, super shiny hair. I should have listened.

What you said: Baby your ends. Seal your ends.

What I did: I didn't pay special attention to my ends. I didn't seal or anything.

AHA Moment: I have paid close attention to my ends for the last couple of weeks and after just flat ironing today they look much better than they have in a year and a half of being natural (after a months and months of splits and rough dry ends).

Why didn't I listen earlier? I don't know. I've always been hard headed!!

Anybody else find out the hard way that you should have followed some of the advice given on the board.
Don't call me stupid please :look:

Don't: Wash your hair with hot water.

Did It Anyway (for years): I like hot showers, so I turned down the heat a tad for my hair. It was still too warm and resulted in splits. I pinpointed the problem after noticing splits (no dry comb, no heat regi)
You guys recommended that you should wash your hair in sections.

For months (ok years) I refused. Thought I knew better :nono:

Finally tried it and it has helped tremendously.
Rule: Avoid sulfates

What I did: Cheaped out and finished the bottle

What I got: rough hard brillo head

What I learned: You all are always right and I have to stop being cheap and hand off the crap products to my brother. He's got a fade- he don't care LOL
Don't call me stupid please :look:

Don't: Wash your hair with hot water.

Did It Anyway (for years): I like hot showers, so I turned down the heat a tad for my hair. It was still too warm and resulted in splits. I pinpointed the problem after noticing splits (no dry comb, no heat regi)

I love hot water:look: maybe i need to quit too. I just can't stand luke warm or cold water. It has to be hot. dang.