Should have listened...aha moments


Well-Known Member
This is like the second or third time I didn't listen to you guys advice, but found out that you were right and I should have listened. I wrote a thread asking for advice on how to get rid of that burnt hair smell a while back.

What you said: "Get a good heat protectant!" (w/ many recommendations for Chi.)

What I did: I got a cheap heat protectant and still had that burnt hair smell.

AHA Moment: Today I used the CHI ceramic heat protectant I got from PreciousPearls at a meet up, and "AHAA!" (Like Eddie Murphy/ Old Barber at the end of Coming to America :lachen:) No burnt hair smell, super shiny hair. I should have listened.

What you said: Baby your ends. Seal your ends.

What I did: I didn't pay special attention to my ends. I didn't seal or anything.

AHA Moment: I have paid close attention to my ends for the last couple of weeks and after just flat ironing today they look much better than they have in a year and a half of being natural (after a months and months of splits and rough dry ends).

Why didn't I listen earlier? I don't know. I've always been hard headed!!

Anybody else find out the hard way that you should have followed some of the advice given on the board.
This is like the second or third time I didn't listen to you guys advice, but found out that you were right and I should have listened. I wrote a thread asking for advice on how to get rid of that burnt hair smell a while back.

What you said: "Get a good heat protectant!" (w/ many recommendations for Chi.)

What I did: I got a cheap heat protectant and still had that burnt hair smell.

AHA Moment: Today I used the CHI ceramic heat protectant I got from PreciousPearls at a meet up, and "AHAA!" (Like Eddie Murphy/ Old Barber at the end of Coming to America :lachen:) No burnt hair smell, super shiny hair. I should have listened.

What you said: Baby your ends. Seal your ends.

What I did: I didn't pay special attention to my ends. I didn't seal or anything.

AHA Moment: I have paid close attention to my ends for the last couple of weeks and after just flat ironing today they look much better than they have in a year and a half of being natural (after a months and months of splits and rough dry ends).

Why didn't I listen earlier? I don't know. I've always been hard headed!!

Anybody else find out the hard way that you should have followed some of the advice given on the board.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
aahhkkkkhhhaaaaaaaa :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
My aha moment was when I joined. I had no clue about a heat protectant. Now that I use them, I have NOT had that burnt hair smell. My hair looks and feels better than it has in years.
My aha moment: Ive been hearing about ACV rinses for years but never did it. I finally did tonight and my hair was soft and easier to untangle.
My aha moment-
I was new to the forum. I bought Megatek and decided to ignore what was written in the thread and follow the directions on the bottle. I applied it to all of my hair and let it sit. I did this a couple of times. OMG was that a mistake! I spent weeks trying to recover from using it like that. It eventually cost me two inches of hair. *sigh*
Back when I did the BC I refused to co-wash my hair. Then after 5 months I decided to give it a try. My hair just flourished overnight and I didn't have dry hair all the time. Yeah you're not the only one who's hard headed!
protective styles instead of WNGs.

i had split ends galore until i took the time to twist my hair up after washing it and dry it that way.
protective styles instead of WNGs.

i had split ends galore until i took the time to twist my hair up after washing it and dry it that way.
I too fell into the trap of too many wash n' go's. I am back to babying and protecting my ends. I just had a growth spurt (since the weather got hot) and I would like to retain all that growth.
Air drying. I was like no way I'm going to be able to air dry and not have my hair act a fool. But one day I was like I really don't feel like rollersetting. I ran across a video by Sunshyn3 on how she air drys. I tried her method and it worked like a charm. Once I hit 4 weeks post I will only be air drying from now on.
My aha moment was stretching relaxers with co-washing. I used to get my touch-ups every 7-8 weeks like clockwork. Now, I am 20 weeks and I co-wash 2-3 times weekly and I have retained length! No crazy breakage or split ends! OMG!
Air drying. I was like no way I'm going to be able to air dry and not have my hair act a fool. But one day I was like I really don't feel like rollersetting. I ran across a video by Sunshyn3 on how she air drys. I tried her method and it worked like a charm. Once I hit 4 weeks post I will only be air drying from now on.

:yep::yep::yep: Me too on the airdrying. Once I learned that all my 4A/B hair needed was a scarf to help it dry flatter- that was the key for me to learning how to successfully air dry.
So many to choose from but top of the list:

1. Not getting Suave coconut conditioner before 2 months ago
2. Not trying the Pantene mask before tonight- Aha moment right now- I am shocked!!
My AHA moment would have to be being told to detangle hair when it was satuated with conditioner. After going to the beach, I clarified and simply detangled hair with the conditioner still in. Not only was my hair completely tangle-free (which is unheard of for me) but my cousin also complimented me on my shiny hair. All this and I didn't even DC. So, to all my fellow newbie, DETANGLE WITH CONDISH! Your hair will thank you for it :D
My hair was severely damaged and uneven when I joined the site. I decided to go on a 6 month stretch. So every time I asked a question in a thread, some members would say "Since you're transitioning...". I would always think "I'm not transitioning, I'm just doing a stretch". After 6 months, I relaxed.

Fast forward, one year later... My hair has really improved because I continued to stretch my relaxers.:yep: Immediately after my last relaxer back in April, I decided that I don't want to relax anymore, I want to be natural. *sigh* Why didn't listen to those sisters that kept saying "TRANSITION"?

I could have been 18 months post and rocking a "Macy Gray" 'fro by now.:afro: