Should a newbie relaxer try stretching?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I just relaxed my hair for the first time EVER 6 weeks ago. Since joining LHCF I see many posts about the benefits of stretching. My aim is to get the healthiest hair possible. I originally planned to get a relaxer every 8 weeks - which means I am due for my touch up in 2 weeks time.

If I should go the stretching route, do you think I should try and hold out for 9 weeks between touchups - especially since this is my first?

Thanks as usual
I think a newbie can try stretching relaxers. I had braids for 6 months to a year and grew my entire head out and got a relaxer 8 weeks ago. I plan on stretching 12-20 weeks.
You could try to gradually add weeks. 6, 8, 10, 12 etc....and keep your NG Moisturized.

A light protein or reconstructor will also work wonders for keeping your hair strong. Also Deep Conditioning.
I agree with IDareT'sHair and Toy - start stretching by adding a week or 2 during each relaxer schedule.

This is how I did it so that I could become acquainted with my newgrowth a little bit at a time. I used to get a relaxer touch up every 4 weeks, now I go 14 weeks easily.
Hi ladies,

This Saturday makes 8 weeks since my relaxer, which by normal standards means I would be due for a touch up. The thing is my new growth is so soft! I have been keeping up with my DC and protein treatments so that may be the trick. Should I go for 9 weeks or keep to 8 weeks since this is my first touch up?

I am really trying to avoid a setback. Thanks so much.
I agree. take baby steps. I think how ur relaxed hair matches up with your natural texture will determine how long you can safely stretch without breakage. Since Im not relaxed bone straight I will probably be able to go a full year without relaxing if I really wanted to. If I were a 4c hair type and had bone straight relaxed hair I wouldnt even chance trying to stretch past 3 months if that. IMO thats asking for breakage.
I agree with the posters who suggest gradually increasing your stretching time. You will never know if you can do it unless you try.
Hi ladies,

This Saturday makes 8 weeks since my relaxer, which by normal standards means I would be due for a touch up. The thing is my new growth is so soft! I have been keeping up with my DC and protein treatments so that may be the trick. Should I go for 9 weeks or keep to 8 weeks since this is my first touch up?

I am really trying to avoid a setback. Thanks so much.

If you're not experiencing above normal shedding and breaking 9 weeks should be fine. Veteran stretchers say that breakage is the biggest reason to end a stretch.
Loving I say wait another week, especially since your NG isn't giving you any problems. :yep: