shorter hair before a relaxer?

Sweet Charm

Hey everyone!
Im a newbie and this is my first thread. I am so happy that i am finally taking care of my hair now. i cant believe of all the things i was doing to it (or not doing to it), and i still have hair left! lol.

my hair is currently bsl and its pretty much been around bsl to mbl for as long as i can remember & never any longer. :ohwell:

right now i use aubrey organics HSR and GPB according to what my hair needs but it still seems to be breaking off and i only air dry and protective bun so i dont know what to do about that :wallbash:

but anywho i was wondering does your hair seem to appear shorter before you get a touchup and then longer after because the longer i go without a relaxer , the shorter my hair seems, can shrinkage really do THAT much?

you ladies are so inspirational and so helpful. i wish i found this site earlier

sorry this post is a little long :drunk:
Shrinkage can make hair appear shorter. When I was transitioning, my new growth seemed to lift up my relaxed ends and make my hair appear shorter. I had to pull down a strand to see that it actually reached a lower spot on my back then before. So I knew it was growing.
shrinkage can do that to your hair..

but you want to try and get the breakage under control how is your moisture protein balance?

Have you done elasticity test and porosity test. take strand of hair and pull between
two finger to see if it streches or snaps. this is the elasticity test it will tell you if you need to add protien to you hair. the porosity test is take a cup of water and put a strand of hair or two on top and see if the hair floats or sinks if it floats then you need to add moister.
i moisturize daily with elasta qp mango butter. wash when i feel i need to, like every four days but recently a little longer because i was sick. i use aubrey organics honey suckle rose shampoo and i would switch between the honeysuckle rose conditioner or the GPB when i feel my hair needs it. i tried the aphoghee two step when my hair was super stretchy and my scalp itched and my hair started breaking im prety sure im allergic to one of the ingredients :ohwell: that was about a month ago

and i know for sure i am allergic to sulfur so i stay away from sulfates
Have you done elasticity test and porosity test. take strand of hair and pull between
two finger to see if it streches or snaps. this is the elasticity test it will tell you if you need to add protien to you hair. .

thank you. this is what i do to determine what i need