Shelf life of relaxer


Well-Known Member
I'm due to get a touch-up this Friday and I was wondering if I should buy another jar.

I texturize (lightly relax) and I still have a half full jar leftover from October 19. It's Motions Oil Moisturizer in Mild.
I think it should be fine Crys. I imagine you kept it somewhere cool and dark. Two months is fine. I think it's like 6 months to a year that you can keep it....

But I know for SURE that 2 months is fine.
That is definitely fine. Provided, like Tracy said it's kept somewhere cool & dark. I thought you were going to say a year or two you've had your relaxer.

I'm glad you said that Tracy as I have a 5lb tub of Affirm that I bought earlier this year sometime. And I know I'll get to waist length before I use all that up. I just can't get it any smaller.