Shed A Silver Strand...


New Member
Welp. It's July 4th, also known as National Afro Day. So while detangling my hair, I suddenly noticed a bright silver strand in my hair brush. I actually kinda freaked out because I KNEW that silver hair came from my right temple. :nono: I first noticed that silver strand growing in right around the time I BC'd and found out I was pregnant with my son. It represented something really special to me. I stopped brushing immediately & gently plucked the hair outta the brush. One end was still a fiery reddish-orange from the henna I had used on my hair several years back (2009). My eyes darted to the other end. There it was... a little white bulb. The hair hadn't been yanked out or broken off... it had shed. It was at the end of its growth cycle. It was finished. :( I remember when I was pregnant thinking, "Well if nothing else, I can possibly track my hair's growth potential with this silver hair." So that's what I'm doing today. I've had that silver hair from March 2005- July 2011 = 6 years and 4 months or 76 months altogether Multiplied by half an inch per month of growth would give me 38 nches growth potential (if I never trimmed or had breakage). I'm currently between MBL (which is roughly 22 inches on me) and waist(which is roughly 26 inches on me). Basically another FOOT past my waist, which has gotta be hip-length! I'm currently in need of a trim. My hair seems to suffer greatly the instant it tries to grow past MBL. I suppose it doesn't help that I rarely keep my hair in a protective style. Chances are I will never see hip length because I just don't have the time and patience to put into my hair anymore. I might keep pushing for healthy waist length hair... I might snip all the way back to APL this fall. Haven't decided yet. But at least now I know my potential. I'm cool with that and accepting of it. :)
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*Pours a li'l liquor for the lost silver strand*
It shall be sorely missed.

ladylibra, with any luck, you'll get another to take its place before too long. Couldn't read the blog coz looks like I need to sign in...and Nonie be kinda lazy about jumping hoops n' stuff. Can you quote it in here? :poke: If not, that's OK.
Aw poor lil strand. I have one right at the front/middle of my hairline and it pings up in the opposite direction of the rest of my hair.
Nonie i TOTALLY forgot ppl would hav 2 sign in 2 read that... so i copied & pasted the text. thanks hun! ;)
I appreciate you posting it in here ladylibra. I found it an interesting read and it made me smile. And for some reason it made me warm and fuzzy inside and yet also a bit sad. Thanks for sharing. My favorite stories are those that make me laugh and cry and just feel glad to have experienced them. Yours sorta did that albeit to the smaller scale--I smiled, felt sad and warm. :)
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