Shea butter,, grainy or smooth??

I bought Unrefined shea butter by accident and it has lavendar and some other essential oils in it to make it smell fragrant but to me it really doesnt smell nice, anyway i noticed that the texture of it is VERY smooth whereas the shea butter that doesnt say unrefined is hard and grainy and has to be melted,, anyone know why this is?? and how does pure unrefined shea butter smell?
I've bought shea butter that was grainy and it was by Jason Naturals. Supposedly it was unrefined but I doubt it cause most shea butters I've used have been smooth and creamy in texture.

Product Information:

How can I recognize good Shea Butter?

Pure Shea Butter can be found in three types of extractions.

Raw or unrefined- extracted using water. The color ranges from like cream (similar to whipped butter) to grayish yellow. This is the original form of Shea Butter.
Refined - is more highly processed. Has many of its natural components still intact.
Highly refined or processed - solvents are used to increase the yield (hexane is an example). The color is pure white.

Smell: Shea Butter has a natural smell, which is quite pleasant and does not stink. Over time the smell of the Shea Butter will diminish. If an unrefined Shea Butter has almost no smell, it is probably getting old. Shea Butter should not stink, not matter how old it is.

Handling: Shea Butter does not need to be refrigerated.. However, over a period of two or three years, the Shea Butter will begin to lose some of its effectiveness. As the natural ingredients begin to break down, some of the healing benefits will be reduced, but the Shea Butter will continue to be an effective moisturizer.

Color: The color of unrefined Shea Butter depends on the Shea nuts used. Shea nuts will vary in color from almost white to yellow. Therefore, refined Shea Butter will vary in color. You will not be able to determine the authenticity or quality of Shea Butter based strictly on its color. However unrefined Shea Butter will certainly look different from processed Shea Butter.

Should not be: Greasy, green or hard
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I ordered some Shealoe (Shea Butter + Aloe Vera) from this site called Mind you, it's 90 somethin degrees outside, and when I received it, it was veryyyyyyy runny. I know that Shealoe is supposed to be a buttery texture, and that when Shea Butter is melted and cooled the wrong way, it turns grainy. Well, that's what happened to my Shealoe. It eventually cooled down into a soft solid (like mashed potatoes), but still was sorta grainy. This doesn't really bother me too much because as soon as I rub it in the palms of my hands, the little grains melt. I use it as a hair moisturizer and it does just fine. I love it.
I agree with TSU. Sounds like your shea butter melted and then re-solidified. If the temp isnt a certain degree for a certain amount of time, it will turn grainy.