Shampoo and Condition Method/Advice


Kinda new to the board, like many newbies I have been lurking for a while. Thanks for taking the time to view my thread. :yep: I am going to jump right into the crux of the matter because this has been bothering me for quite some time.

Throughout the week I am satisfied with my hair. It's a nice length when curly. My curls are defined and shiny. It does what I want it to do with little fuss. I moisturize in sections 3x a day(morning, afternoon,night), sealing with oil every time. At night, after moisturizing and sealing, I pull it back into a bun and put a wrapping scarf(silk) around it.

When I shampoo in the shower my hair is loose and curly but when I get out of the shower and let it air dry it turns into a dry, matted mess with very little curl definition. It does the same thing when I condition and deep condition. Although with a DC I retain a little bit of curl definition.

My hair remains like that for a day (two days at the most) and after two days of moisturizing/sealing I get the hair that I love back.

I really hope this make sense. I tried to be as detailed as possible. It's gotten to the point where I don't like to run water over my hair. I can spritz all day but I won't put it under the shower head. It's been about 2 weeks since I last co-washed and 3 weeks since I last shampooed (with a sulfate-free shampoo).

In my hair's defense, I really just started taking care of it. Sealing, moisturizing daily, etc. I don't understand how it can literally be two totally different textures in the span of 5-10 minutes after washing it.

Again, it's not so much the shrinkage but the quality of my hair completely changes.

My questions are:
Has anyone else experienced this?
Will this change over time?
What can I do to change this?

May I suggest you wash your hair using a sulfate free shampoo and apply the poo directly to your roots using an applicator tip.
What products are you using?

It does the same thing whether you shampoo or cowash?

Are you letting your hair dry without product? or putting something on it while wet?
Sorry for the late response. I want to thank you both for replying.

After further research I discovered that my hair suffers from high porosity.

I have been using a leave-in conditioner (with protein) and have started doing ACV rinses (for the past 2 weeks) and so far those have made a difference. My hair doesn't feel as dry after washing. The texture of my hair has gotten better and shinier!

I am working on a completely new regimen using new products, so hopefully with continued use I will finally reach my goal.