Severe Dermatitis/Eczema of the scalp....what to do?


New Member
I was speaking to my stylist on yesterday and she wanted me to ask you ladies if yall had any suggestions on how to treat (other than medication) for this condition. One of her friends has severe eczema of the scalp. What home remedies do you guys suggest?? I'll be waiting for any and all advice! Thanks in Advance!!
I have a child with this problem, so I am going by my experience. The first thing to check out is if the person has allergies--food being number one followed by anything that touches the skin. Getting tested for possible allergies is a must so one knows what to avoid. I use no detergents or soaps on the child's skin...only Cetaphil from hair-to-toe. The only real solution I have seen so far is to avoid the allergens; the medical community is still learning about auto-immune diseases.
Thanks Nymphe! But I guess the main question is ...what about the hair? If a person is trying to grow their hair, what shampoos or oils would be good?
I think scalp health is paramount at this time; the person will have to do a patch test whatever she applies to her hair.
Neutrogena has a line called T-GEL that would help, other than that I would suggest she seek a doctor's advice, I have this condition, and would suggest staying away from petroleum and mineral oil, the flare ups can be really painful especially during the winter months, I've had a topical steriod that I have used, but not for a long period of time...
Well, I have eczema associated with allergies on the inside of my elbows. My allergist said that good old Vaseline relieves the itching associated with it and when you don't scratch it, it goes away. I have used the Vaseline, and let me tell you, it does help. Now I do have another ointment that I use for it, but sometimes I forget to use it. You may be leary of using the Vaseline on your scalp, but which is worse, scratching your scalp or Vaseline for a few days? /images/graemlins/look.gif
I would suggest doing pre-hot oil treatments with Evoo and using prescriptions 2% Nizoral shampoo followed by a good moisturizing shampoo like Breakthru or Elucence.
I like using O'Greit 9 en 1 conditioner when my dermatitis flairs up it moisturizes my hair and I oil my scalp afterwards.