
Well-Known Member
I am sad now everytime I look at my hair. My last relaxer was a total DISASTER!!! I use SYNTONICS regular Lye, however I know that it was the stylist and NOT the product. The full head relaxer I had in January was AMAZING-no problem whatsoever. My hair was beautiful. No scalp burns or breakage. I made an appointment again the end of May but the stylist I had before was booked ,so they asked if I would see someone else. They assured me she was good. I said okay. This girl not only raked through my hair in a rough manner,but didn't remove the relaxer right away when I told her it was burning. The burning was multiplied by the base they used which contained menthol. This was one of those "SENSITIVE" scalp bases! The shampoo girl used her nails on my already very, tender scalp and I had to remind her not to scrub so hard. I could tell by the stylist's comments that she was not used to hair that was thick, with lots of new growth.To make a long story short--I have breakage on the right side and in the top. It's just pieces that are about 2 inches long!! I'm pissed every time I look at it because I know she overlapped. Also my hair is not even straight because she couldn't leave the relaxer in. MY scalp was one big SCAB when she was done. I will never go back there. What do I do now? I was so proud of my almost brastrap length hair. It keep shedding too. HELP!!!!
I'm SOOO sorry to hear that! Set backs are the WORST. Trust me, I had one in december where my nape broke off to shoulder length while the rest is almost BSL...So I'm just transitioning...

So I'm firstly concerned about your scalp! Please take care of it (I'm sure others can chime in with remedies to help heal) As for these short pieces, are they super noticeable? Have you washed since the relaxer to make sure it was all out? Consider using a garlic deep conditioner to help with the shedding. *

HUGS* The great thing is you got there once, you can do it again!! Now isn't forever! HHG!!
I got the relaxer done May 30th,so it's been almost a month. I've shampoo'd twice since then. Used conditioners to combat breakage and oiled my scalp every other day. I use either Jojoba or Jane Carter scalp serum. The scabs are gone and I can blend the short pieces in with the rest of my hair.
That sounds painful :sad:

My scalp got burned pretty bad with my last relxer, but I never got any scabs because I sprayed aloe vera juice on my scalp two times daily to help heal it. Within two days, the pain was gone and it was like the burns never happened :yep: Maybe you could try that
Sorry about your setback. You can nurse your hair back in as little as 3 months. Ask me, I know because had a setback March 7th at a salon that jacked up my relaxer leaving me underprocessed with short broken hairs. She had my hair all tangled up after applying a relaxer and I had to take the comb from her to get it untangled. What a mess! I had to do a corrective April 4th myself and my hair came out wonderful. Since thin I have been doing my twice a week washes, protein treatments, deep conditioner and rollersets. I'm 12 weeks post now and I have been moisturizing my ng and finger combing in between washes. My hair has totally turned around from what it was in March. There are short pieces throughout my hair that only I can notice. If I were you, I would wash and condition more often. I noticed you said that you have only washed twice. Deep conditioning and protein treatments right now for your hair is very important. At least do them weekly. Just be patient with your hair, and it will return to it's healthy state again.