Self relaxers


New Member
I would really like to start relaxing my own hair. I currently do to the salon to get them done, but the last time I went I did'nt like the way she way combing my hair when she was combing the treatment through. Do any of you ladies use affirm? If so please tell me what I need to order and in which order do you guys use the affirm relaxer? Also what type of affirm relaxers do you use? Sorry to be a bother.
Thank you
From my experiences so far it is very difficult to get the Affirm if you are not licensed. I was advised to go to but the quantity was much more than I was willing to get. I dont have a good box perm to recommend, I'm looking for one myself.
Oh okay, well if you want to make a trip to connecticut I can tell you where to buy it off the shelf.. It's at a bss in Downtown NewHaven. they have everything... Affirm, Dudley's, Mizani, Vitale, Eluecene..
Thank you crystal. Do you know the exact address of the store so I can look on for the directions?
what is "bss". I am Canadian and am not sure what I would look for in the States under that abbreviation because I am not familiar with the stores. I have been curious for some time and decided to just ask. Thans for reply. Bonjour