scalp whoas


New Member
hey there ladies,
i was wondering if any one could give advice on what to do with sore itching scalp. this is happening to me for a great reason, but it is uncomfortable to say the lease, and my biggest worry is that come relaxer time, it will be a challenge not to get burned because my scalp will be so sore. does anyone have any suggestions, herbs, concoctions, anything that they have used with success to ease a sore itchy growing scalp? btw, this does not happen when i am natural so i am curious why it happens while i am relaxed.
try switching to a sulfate free shampoo. also try rubbing some jojoba oil with rosemary essential oils on your scalp the night before or at least an hour before you shampoo. That helped me out a lot.
try switching to a sulfate free shampoo. also try rubbing some jojoba oil with rosemary essential oils on your scalp the night before or at least an hour before you shampoo. That helped me out a lot.
I second this and try bt or bee mine! sulfur really helps!!! HTH
thanks guys for your responses! as i type my scalp is on fire - i have some jojoba oil and i have rosemary essential oil, i think i will try and put some of that in tonight. sulfate free shampoo? i have to now go and look at my shampoos and see whats in there. does it just say sulfate? i was thinking earlier that i have heard mention around here about sulfate free shampoos, but never followed it up with actually reading up on it, so i will do that after i put the kiddos to bed.
also what is bt? sulfure oil? where can i find this? i have some msm - can i use that? what is mn? bee mine - should be able to search that one out. sorry for being so clueless.
I have used tea tree oil to alleviate an itchy scalp. You can buy the tea tree oil from a health food store. You can mix tea tree oil with mineral oil and apply a couple of drops to your scalp, you can also mix it with your deep conditoner.

This a little info on tea tree ioil and other natural remedies:

A good way to relieve itchy scalp, is to immediately halt the use of a product when it causes our scalp to react negatively. That kind of reaction shows that the product is or has an allergen causing an allergic reaction in our scalp. This may be the least expensive way to treat a case of itchy scalp unless you have the malazeezia fungus control problem that the majority of people do.

Products to relieve itchy scalp Zinc pc (or ZPT) is one substance that is used in
anti-dandruff shampoo formulations because of its anti-dandruff and anti-fungal properties. Some dermatologists advice patients with fungus on their faces to apply anti-dandruff shampoo with ZPT on their facial skin – and it works!

Jojoba oil can restore sebum balance and moisturizes the scalp quite well.

Tea tree and its derivative tea tree oil are good substances to apply on cases of itchy scalp and dandruff. It activates dormant scalp cells and hair follicles, fostering their growth, and soothes the scalp. Basil promotes growth. Chamomile helps fine to normal hair and leaves golden highlights.

Clary sage relieves dandruff. Lavender is excellent for relieving itchy scalp and dandruff (and even lice is eliminated with this.)

Lemon also works against itchy scalp and dandruff. Remember, avoid offensive products and go natural to prevent cases of itchy scalp.

Good Luck!