Scalp Massages for better hair growth


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I found this info on the website You may find it helpful, if it's been posted before my apologies.

"Besides proper nutrition that feeds the hair follicles, it’s BLOOD CIRCULATION to your scalp through MASSAGE.

Scalp massage is most important for healthy hair that’s strong and growing. The roots of hair are fed by many small blood vessels, which bring oxygen and nutrients to them and carry away carbon dioxide and other waste.

Without scalp massage, blood flow is slower and hair roots can suffer. Massaging your scalp speeds up blood flow and brings more nutrients to your hair’s roots. Without this rich flow of blood, brought on by massage, hair follicles grow more slowly and may eventually die.

The older we get, the more our circulation slows, making scalp massage even more important than ever if we want to maintain healthy, strong hair. Oily hair is more prone to sluggish scalp circulation than other types. Oil and dead cells combine to form debris on the scalp’s surface that hardens and sticks to the scalp, reducing circulation and eventually destroying hair roots.

Here Is The Stimulation Technique That Brings Blood
To The Papilla, the Center of Growth At The Base Of The Follicle, And Helps Keep The Scalp Flexible and Youthful, Which Is The Key To Beautiful, Thick Hair.

* Once or twice a day take both hands and place your fingertips firmly on your scalp without bending your fingers (This makes fingers stronger and firmer). Do not push the hair…but keep the fingers firmly on one spot of the scalp; pushing the whole scalp in a circular motion for a few seconds. You will feel a large part of the scalp moving around. That’s good! Now place your fingers in a new area and repeat the motion until you have covered the entire scalp, spending a little more time on the “weaker” areas.

* Now, using your fingertips, fingernails (or my special comb and brush designed for this very step...see “Dazzling Hair”) move your finger tips so that you create a vigorous rubbing motion. This time you are not “moving your scalp” but rather “scratching” your scalp until your head tingles and feels warm. Repeat this all over your head. You are now getting the blood flow where it is needed most. Pay special attention to the thinning or weak areas. The top of the head and temples are the most difficult for the blood supply to reach.

I Know, You Are Afraid To Do This Because
You “Don’t want to lose more hair,” Right?

At the beginning of this Scalp Massage Therapy, the state of health of the papilla has already been programmed. This will not be altered until YOU change the program through massaging. In other words, when you start, you’ll see some hair loss, but those are hairs you will lose anyway. What you are about to do is to take charge and change the condition of the hair follicles, strengthening them, making them more healthy and providing new follicles that will develop into strong and beautiful hair.

Here’s How To Test Your Success

Before starting this program, part your hair in the middle and pull it flat down, tight. Look close and see how many tiny new hairs you have coming in. If you’re having any hair problems, there may be only very few. Now, in 2 or 3 weeks (maybe sooner) repeat this process. You should see many more tiny new hairs growing in. They will appear “singed” on the ends. These new hairs are the beginning of new, stronger growth AND at the same time your “old” roots have become more nourished as well so that the “old” hair is stronger and healthier, too.

I would love to hear from you to let me know how you made out. I have seen the success of this treatment so many times. Let me know, if you are not too busy.

Did You Know #1?

New hair growth takes place in the Papilla. It starts to grow under the old hair shaft and eventually “pushes” out the old hair. Meanwhile, until the Papilla develops another full-grown hair, it feeds the existing hair through its network of blood vessels coming from elsewhere in the body.

So you can see why the health and beauty of your hair is dependent on the nutrition you feed it, the oxygen you give it and the circulation of the blood to the Papilla. Proper nutritional intake helps the production of a richer flow of blood.

New Hair Developing: Old hair separates from the papilla in the early stage of shedding. New hair will grow from the same healthy papilla soon after.

Did You Know #2?

A hair follicle is a single depression in your scalp that houses one hair. When this one hair falls out, there is already a new hair shaft ready to appear at the opening of the follicle in a healthy scalp.

Did You Know #3?

Each follicle has it’s own oil gland to manufacture the vital oils needed for the health and beauty of the hair. This gland secrets enough oil to fill in the “cracks” in the outer layer of each hair (the cuticle). These “cracks” in the surface of the hair are what makes the hair look dull and dry. By filling them in, each hair surface becomes smooth. This, in turn, makes it reflect light more evenly and gives it that special shine we all associate with healthy, beautiful hair.

If your hair does not have the shine you want, the proper nutrients will help to manufacture naturally the oil necessary to do so. Meanwhile, you might like to take a look at, click on “Dazzling Hair” and look for Spotlight Conditioner. This product will fill in the cracks for that healthy beautiful hair while you are working on the nutritional aspect. Also, you might want to read about our Hair Helper Vitamins as well.

Wishing you your most beautiful hair ever. "
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ElizaBlue said:
Ladies, I found this info on the website You may find it helpful, if it's been posted before my apologizies.

"Besides proper nutrition that feeds the hair follicles, it’s BLOOD CIRCULATION to your scalp through MASSAGE.

Scalp massage is most important for healthy hair that’s strong and growing. The roots of hair are fed by many small blood vessels, which bring oxygen and nutrients to them and carry away carbon dioxide and other waste.

Without scalp massage, blood flow is slower and hair roots can suffer. Massaging your scalp speeds up blood flow and brings more nutrients to your hair’s roots. Without this rich flow of blood, brought on by massage, hair follicles grow more slowly and may eventually die.

The older we get, the more our circulation slows, making scalp massage even more important than ever if we want to maintain healthy, strong hair. Oily hair is more prone to sluggish scalp circulation than other types. Oil and dead cells combine to form debris on the scalp’s surface that hardens and sticks to the scalp, reducing circulation and eventually destroying hair roots.

Here Is The Stimulation Technique That Brings Blood
To The Papilla, the Center of Growth At The Base Of The Follicle, And Helps Keep The Scalp Flexible and Youthful, Which Is The Key To Beautiful, Thick Hair.

* Once or twice a day take both hands and place your fingertips firmly on your scalp without bending your fingers (This makes fingers stronger and firmer). Do not push the hair…but keep the fingers firmly on one spot of the scalp; pushing the whole scalp in a circular motion for a few seconds. You will feel a large part of the scalp moving around. That’s good! Now place your fingers in a new area and repeat the motion until you have covered the entire scalp, spending a little more time on the “weaker” areas.

* Now, using your fingertips, fingernails (or my special comb and brush designed for this very step...see “Dazzling Hair”) move your finger tips so that you create a vigorous rubbing motion. This time you are not “moving your scalp” but rather “scratching” your scalp until your head tingles and feels warm. Repeat this all over your head. You are now getting the blood flow where it is needed most. Pay special attention to the thinning or weak areas. The top of the head and temples are the most difficult for the blood supply to reach.

I Know, You Are Afraid To Do This Because
You “Don’t want to lose more hair,” Right?

At the beginning of this Scalp Massage Therapy, the state of health of the papilla has already been programmed. This will not be altered until YOU change the program through massaging. In other words, when you start, you’ll see some hair loss, but those are hairs you will lose anyway. What you are about to do is to take charge and change the condition of the hair follicles, strengthening them, making them more healthy and providing new follicles that will develop into strong and beautiful hair.

Here’s How To Test Your Success

Before starting this program, part your hair in the middle and pull it flat down, tight. Look close and see how many tiny new hairs you have coming in. If you’re having any hair problems, there may be only very few. Now, in 2 or 3 weeks (maybe sooner) repeat this process. You should see many more tiny new hairs growing in. They will appear “singed” on the ends. These new hairs are the beginning of new, stronger growth AND at the same time your “old” roots have become more nourished as well so that the “old” hair is stronger and healthier, too.

I would love to hear from you to let me know how you made out. I have seen the success of this treatment so many times. Let me know, if you are not too busy.

Did You Know #1?

New hair growth takes place in the Papilla. It starts to grow under the old hair shaft and eventually “pushes” out the old hair. Meanwhile, until the Papilla develops another full-grown hair, it feeds the existing hair through its network of blood vessels coming from elsewhere in the body.

So you can see why the health and beauty of your hair is dependent on the nutrition you feed it, the oxygen you give it and the circulation of the blood to the Papilla. Proper nutritional intake helps the production of a richer flow of blood.

New Hair Developing: Old hair separates from the papilla in the early stage of shedding. New hair will grow from the same healthy papilla soon after.

Did You Know #2?

A hair follicle is a single depression in your scalp that houses one hair. When this one hair falls out, there is already a new hair shaft ready to appear at the opening of the follicle in a healthy scalp.

Did You Know #3?

Each follicle has it’s own oil gland to manufacture the vital oils needed for the health and beauty of the hair. This gland secrets enough oil to fill in the “cracks” in the outer layer of each hair (the cuticle). These “cracks” in the surface of the hair are what makes the hair look dull and dry. By filling them in, each hair surface becomes smooth. This, in turn, makes it reflect light more evenly and gives it that special shine we all associate with healthy, beautiful hair.

If your hair does not have the shine you want, the proper nutrients will help to manufacture naturally the oil necessary to do so. Meanwhile, you might like to take a look at, click on “Dazzling Hair” and look for Spotlight Conditioner. This product will fill in the cracks for that healthy beautiful hair while you are working on the nutritional aspect. Also, you might want to read about our Hair Helper Vitamins as well.

Wishing you your most beautiful hair ever. "

Great article! I will implement some of these techniques within my Scalp Massage Challenge!
I :love: scalp massages. I've been doing them off & on for a while now. I started out doing them to aid hair growth... but now I do it cuz it just feels sooooo darn good :cool:
Anyone notice any difference with long-term practice? I have printed this thread out to reference when I go home.
Great post! I usually do scalp massages when I have bad headaches, which is a few times a week. I love them! I want to do them everyday
I enjoy scalp massages too, very relaxing. I only massage one area of my scalp though which is the most slow growing and that's my bang area. I have been massaging that area daily and its slowly catching up to the rest of my hair.
Great article! I see I've been using the wrong technique. I wasn't even focusing on whether or not my scalp was moving, I was just moving my fingertips over my scalp. I must try this new technique tonight!
Hey ladies, you're all very welcome. If I had lived back in the Cleopatra days, I would have that little sexy sexy Jason Momoa, stripped, washed and brought to my tent just to do my scalp massages. And then.....
ElizaBlue said:
Hey ladies, you're all very welcome. If I had lived back in the Cleopatra days, I would have that little sexy sexy Jason Momoa, stripped, washed and brought to my tent just to do my scalp massages. And then.....

ITA! Thanx for the post!
The only problem I have is with the using the fingernails to go over the scalp once the official massage is done. I've been doing scalp mass. for a while, and I've always read that actual "itching" is bad. :confused:
Combined with daily CO washing, when I massaged my scalp at night before bed, my hair seemed to grow a lot faster, but I am tired by that time, and usually too lazy to do it faithfully everynight anymore. I will resume it today, and I promise to do it every night for at least the next 3 months.