SBH is a joke...

They need to get some of us to run this mag. I'm fed up with it. It's not worth its price.

1. They make a half-*** attempt at showing you how to do the styles.
2. If the model is wearing extensions they act like it's her real hair. The problem with this is that there might be ladies with shorter hair, like me, who would at least like to know a little information about how the hair was added in and cut perhaps. GEEZ...give us a little info!
3. Sometimes the info they give about celebrity hair seems shady
4. It just seems like there isn't a whole lot of info. I zoom through it in seconds. Where's some unique content?

It's gotten to where Seventeen magazine is giving better hair info. At least in mags like Seventeen they have reader product reviews, very unique styles, etc...SBH is alright to read in line at the grocery store, but they will not be getting my money any time soon.

Anyone know of any decent black hair mags?
I enjoyed reading Vibe Vixen's beauty info (hair, skin, body, make up). I copied an article a few weeks back from it on summer hair care. I'm definitely going to subscribe.
redRiot said:
Vibe Vixen? I've heard of that one! Sounds good. I've seen some good product recommendations in Essence every one in a while.

Yeah, it's not necessarily a "hair" magazine, but I was impressed by what they had in there. Summer care and even an article on "removing dreads".
I'm so over SBH too after months of looking at the same recycled photos, and reading their idea of haircare advice in the form of "Take a large barreled curling iron..." :perplexed

Ever since finding LHCF I haven't looked back. So instead of spending $5 a pop for that magazine I rather use that money on my favorite products based on LHCF reccomendations. :yep:
Priestess said:
I'm so over SBH too after months of looking at the same recycled photos, and reading their idea of haircare advice in the form of "Take a large barreled curling iron..." :perplexed

Ever since finding LHCF I haven't looked back. So instead of spending $5 a pop for that magazine I rather use that money on my favorite products based on LHCF reccomendations. :yep:
I agree. This board offers everything I need on hair care.Also many of the woman in SBH look like they have unhealthy, fried hair.
SBH features mostly relaxed hair and weaveand extension styles. Sometimes they have natural hair advice, but I think if U R natural, this would not be the hair mag for you.There are some mags out there for naturals, like Braids and Beauty. I don't think it is all that, but some of the styles in there are pretty.
You know what? I think the majority of hair information and hair care/supplies (i.e., "urban-located" beauty supply stores) are a joke. After just about a year on the hair boards, I've had a total mindshift about hair care.... There's such a wealth of information here.... After reading about and seeing clips of the documentary re. Korean BSS (and yesterday's visit to said store), I'm kinda disgusted with it all.... The hair boards (incl LCHF) have been very informative and encouraging.
OH I agree that this is a great place for hair advice...the best! However, as far as hairstyle ideas with visuals I've been depending on hair mags too long. SBH falls short.