Satin Pillowcases???


New Member
Who here sleeps on a satin pillowcase??? I want to get one, so that when I wear my hair curly, I can try to keep my curls intact. Where is the best place to buy these??? I did a search online and found a lot, but they are quite pricey, especially when you add in the shipping & handling. Can these be found in regular stores for less? What about the cheapie ones that only cost around $5.00?? I'm assuming I should stay away from those??? HELP!!
I have a satin pillow case. I purchased it from Wal-Mart. I also use a satin scarf and/or a satin bonnet.
I got some really nice bridal satin pillowcases from and Bed, Bath and Beyond. The ones I got from Target and Walmart all seemed to fall apart, but these still look great. I'm pretty sure they were under $20...

Stay way from the ones with the zippers! That
thing always ends up stabbing me at least once a night.
How do you wash your Walmart pillowcases, Allandra? I bought a whole bunch when they were on clearance for $1. I don't want to pitch them...

I wash mine in the sink every couple of days with my discarded shampoo...

Edited to add:
I have to wash mine a lot because I'm a human saliva machine when I'm sleeping. So sexy...
Thanks Allandra,

So the ones you can get at WalMart are good??? Cool! I think I'll just go there and get one. I checked at K-Mart yesterday but they didn't carry them... I'm pretty sure I've seen them in WalMart; I just thought those might not be good!!
I got one from too. I like it much better than the ones at Sally's. It was thicker and just felt better. Withstands the washings better too.
I have to wash mine a lot because I'm a human saliva machine when I'm sleeping. So sexy...

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illlllllll lol
I use a satin pillowcase as well. They are great because half the time, I forget where I put my satin bonnet!
Edited to add:
I have to wash mine a lot because I'm a human saliva machine when I'm sleeping. So sexy...

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TMI, Sassy, TMI...
You all know I have issues with boundaries.
But no one has told me: How do you wash them if you have to wash them often? The ones I got at Wal-Mart and Target have strings hanging from them. Maybe I'll try some of that baby laundry detergent Dreft...
This was an excellent post!! I've been on a wild goose chase for soooo long looking for a satin pillowcase. I'm going to check Walmart and Bed, Bath and Beyond.

This was an excellent post!! I've been on a wild goose chase for soooo long looking for a satin pillowcase. I'm going to check Walmart and Bed, Bath and Beyond.


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hope u got em. they are great! free2be told me i could get em at Century21 and i did - got lazy and stopped sleeping w/satin cap since
Thanks for all the suggestions, you guys!! I decided to bid on some on Ebay and I won!! I'm paying $11.50 for 2, so I guess that's not bad. I hope the quality is decent!!