Satin covered foam for rollerset


Well-Known Member
I bought these satin covered rollers and I actually like them. I've been reading on this site mostly about the hard plastic ones.

Has anyone heard of or tried the satin ones I'm talking about? I haven't ever seen them before and although my hair is smooth, these may not be the best thing for my hair. I'm still a newbie.

I can't seem to find my digital camera or I would take a picture.
Yep, i used them to dry rollerset my hair. I like them and have no complaints. I am 4a/b natural that wears my hair straight 90% of the time. They have worked well for me.
I have been looking for these. I saw them months ago and now they are nowhere to be found:sad:
Walmart has a set. They are black satin. They were around 3-4$ for 8 or 10....I think. I didn't get them, but they are still there. They aren't with the other rollers, they were at the very end of the toothbrush isle attached to a stand.
I got mine from Walmart too. There were two kinds - one with about 12 medium rollers and another package with 24 different size rollers. They were less than 10 dollars. I do think that they would work better on dry hair though.

I ended up falling asleep with them in my hair while I watched a movie and my head didn't hurt for the 20 minutes that I snoozed. Wouldn't recommend overnight though.
I bought these this weekend and love them. I did sleep in them but don't need to since I'm only using them to bump my ends. I just put them in when I wake up and my hair is curled enough for me when it's time to leave. Since I have to be at work at 7am I can even wear them in the car during my drive. I think the heat from the shower helps them set as well. I got mine from Walmart for under $6.00, by Hype Hair. Goody makes some but I don't think they have the satin cover on them.
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I bought these this weekend and love them. I did sleep in them but don't need to since I'm only using them to bump my ends. I just put them in when I wake up and my hair is curled enough for me when it's time to leave. Since I have to be at work at 7am I can even wear them in the car during my drive. I think the heat from the shower helps them set as well. I got mine from Walmart for under $6.00, by Hype Hair. Goody makes some but I don't think they have the satin cover on them.

Those are the exact ones that I have or had anyway. I only have seven of them left for some reason. I think I need to check my daughter's big Barbie head. She's a PJ already.
I use these after I rollerset with magnetic rollers to sleep in. I love them!

Man, your curls are pretty. Your color is too. My natural hair color looks like somebody blew dust on it. I think I'll try it with the magnetic ones - I have those - and then refresh at night with the satin ones.

Good idea, ma'am.