Sanai Latham's curls in "Something New" movie


SuperDuper Member
Hey Ladies! I was watching this movie for the first time the other day and I have to have the curls Sanai had in the movie after she took the weave out! They are so pretty! I don't want the ones that are towards the end of the movie (they seemed to be a bit longer than when she first got the style) I wanted the ones that were just grazing her shoulders. I believe I have the length to achieve this style. I tried to do it with the soft, satin covered rollers on my dry hair with no styling curling solution or anything and I just slept on the rollers, but it didn't come out right. Could someone PLEASE tell me how I can achieve this style?? I could go to the salon, but I want to be able to do it myself at home. HELP:blush:, I NEED THOSE CURLS IN MY LIFE!! Thank you all in advance for your responses:yep:
Hey Ladies! I was watching this movie for the first time the other day and I have to have the curls Sanai had in the movie after she took the weave out! They are so pretty! I don't want the ones that are towards the end of the movie (they seemed to be a bit longer than when she first got the style) I wanted the ones that were just grazing her shoulders. I believe I have the length to achieve this style. I tried to do it with the soft, satin covered rollers on my dry hair with no styling curling solution or anything and I just slept on the rollers, but it didn't come out right. Could someone PLEASE tell me how I can achieve this style?? I could go to the salon, but I want to be able to do it myself at home. HELP:blush:, I NEED THOSE CURLS IN MY LIFE!! Thank you all in advance for your responses:yep:

Those curls were lovely!

I wanted those curls too, but I'm convinced that it was either a weave or a curling iron everyday on set.

Mzlatisha and Determined22: I believe it was either a weave or a half wig. It was so pretty though! I wondered if I could get my permed 4A(****) into that or a similar style-and how. It was so full and gorgeous. It's funny yall say that, cuz the scene where they cut out the weave and styled her "own" hair, I laughed to the person I was watching it with and said 'She cut out one weave and put in another.' LOL
Actually, Sanaa Lathan's natural hair is curly, something in the 3-range. I saw that info in an article about natural Black hair in Hollywood. She usually wears her hair straightened for films, though. In "Alien vs. Predator" you can start to see the frizz taking over towards the end of the movie when old gal's been sweatin a lil bit... ;-)
when I saw that film in the theaters I thought it was so ridiculous because it was obvious to any sistah that she did not take the weave out. Why they even included that scene knowing that the film was geared toward the sistahs I'll never know...:lachen: You can achieve that look on weave with any curling iron barrel over an inch.
I am sure you can purchase those curls like Sanai did.:D


Lemme catch my breath...

O.K....O.K... I think you can do a wet set w/ either perm rods or flexi rods to achieve that look. When the curls are dry, just gently pick them apart until you get the look you want.