Ok well I am seeing many many threads relating to natural and ayurvedic products on this forum. My interest has been peaked since way back with the natural products but now the ayurvedic ones are driving my meter crazy. I am trying to not become such a PJ and take my time and really study these things before jumping in.

My one hang-up with both types of products is determining what forms of the products are best. Not even which is best because I have to assume the pure form (actual powders, herbs and oils) are more potent than the already mixed forms. However, I guess I should be asking are the already mixed forms a viable solution for someone who doesn't want the time or hassle involved with transforming the pure form into the form necessary for whatever you want to use them for. Does that question make sense? I mean reading some of these reggies the process to convert them seems easy enough but at this stage I personally don't feel knowledgeable enough to take that on. So I am looking for the easiest route.

I am essentially asking that if I was to go out and say purchase a product by J/A/S/O/N or AO that say was a jojoba poo or conditioner or the Dabur Amla oil would I see any benefits. Or will I only truly reap benefits from mixing my own Jojoba condish or Amla oil? I know the latter will probably be more beneficial but I am concerned about whether or not the former choices are feasible substitutes. Are the former so full of fillers that they really are just a waste of money? I believe the AO is completely natural correct (at least I think I read that). If I was to use say the Amla or Shikakai oils but not the powders would I benefit? Or are both necessary to see any results?

Has anyone had success with readily manufactured natural or ayurvedic products as opposed to those you mixed yourself? If so what brands? Anyone tried both ready mixed and homemade and had comparable results? I'm just looking for a little clarification on this whole thing. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Even links to threads that may clarify greater will help. I have read so many I think I have started to confuse myself so I decided to just ask.

And yep I am aware that no one can say that something will definitely work for me because no one has my hair but me and there are many more factors that contribute to it all. I'm just asking has anyone seen benefits using one form w/o the other or using something that wasn't homemade.

Please excuse my long explanation I have a tendency to over clarify :look:

Thanx in advance ladies
I'll try to answer, I think the powder would be more potent than the oil but I still believe the oil will gain some benefits to using it but the pre-made stuff such as the Amla Oil have mineral oils and some other fullers/oils and the ones that are sold in most Indian stores are mad old and still on the shelves way past their expiration dates so be careful with that. HTH
ChiChi..thanks lady that does help. I was kinda thinking the same thing but just wanted other opinions to help me along. You did, however, completely tell me something I didn't know concerning the products in the stores.
:bouncy: more please I know there are many of you ladies in here who use these type products Can u help a sista out?
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