Rude comment made about my natural hair


Well-Known Member
So, I was at work and my hair was just slicked back in a low pony puff and my customer says, "Whew, I know your mom is glad she don't have to deal with that anymore."

I just laughed it off, and then she goes on to tell me how her daughter's was difficult to do and that now her daughter relaxes her hair bone straight. All this time I'm thinking "Did I ask all that?"

Anyway, before she left she made another smart comment talking about "I would say good luck with the hair, but that's kinda mean." Uh yeah, but you still made sure you said it huh? Just rude:nono:

*Her hair was relaxed and looked healthy, so I don't think there was a jealousy issue, I don't know. She probably didn't realize how rude she was being. Whatever, just thought I would share.*
oh wow...all i can say is do you boo boo and don't worry about what anyone else says...i get some negative comments when my hair is not straightened or rollerwrapped (as if these are my only hair options). i tell them whatever and keep it moving...your hair is yours for a reason...
Your natural hair is sooo pretty. Ignore that lady..don't take any of her words to heart. Some people just like to hear useless noise coming out of their mouths.
How inappropriate, tactless and immature of her. You say her hair was healthy, hopefully it will stay lovely. That way something about her will be.
That is a self-image issue and has nothing to do with you. Don't even get offended. I love your hair and it is nice--thank God you don't have to deal with her hair and keeping it healthy and being a slave to the creamy, crack--in terms of dollar signs($$$).
It's very possible that her weave is very healthy. Most people that I've come across with healthy looking relaxed hair are quick to tell you that they don't do anything special - they just have good hair. Her pushing the issue into a discussion makes me think she might be working with some bald patches or Yaki that you just couldn't see.

People don't realize that natural hair can be soft, pliable, moisturized, AND easy to comb if you just take the time to learn what it likes. :nono:

ETA: I don't mean to imply that no relaxed ladies know about hair care (there are plenty on the board that do! :D ) - but the things that woman said make me think she's not particularly knowledgeable and her mind ain't right where hair and texture are concerned.
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hmmm...your hair is pretty to me. I've always worn relaxed hair and wanted to be natural. Seeing so many ladies on here rock natural hair is what prompted me to transition.
Thanks guys for your support. I really just brushed it off because I like my hair and I'm the one who has to deal with it not her.
I hate when people force their opinions on you...Like they qualify to change your mind in what you like...Like her opinion is the law

Honestly haters like that look for anything about you to make a negative comment...Ignore her and don't feel bad if you have to put her in her place
I honestly wouldn't give it a second thought. My question to the person would have been "And why does MY hair concern you?"

People really think that we need their 2 cents. Please, you are not my man. I don't care if you find me attractive or not. If you don't, you can keep it to yourself because I don't care.

I'm the type to get that point across with a smile on my face :) I understand you were at work and all.

Your hair is very pretty! :hug2:
Some people with relaxed hair hate their natural hair...btw, mine is relaxed. But some people are unaware of the fact that natural hair can be just as manageable as relaxed and just as beautiful. Do you- your hair looks great!
Woman your hair is too cute.

Maybe she was jealous in a way...that you still looked good even without cracking your hair out :rolleyes: or rocking the Yak.
Those comments were soaked in straight JEALOUSY....that was as obvious as the fact that your hair is so gorgeous even Stevie Wonder could see it. :grin:
Girl, look at you & look at that gorgeous hair. She clearly had nothing positive to say because she was blinded by the green eyed monster.

I thought reading some of the rude comments that others have shared on this bored would prepare me, but nope, all of my come backs were lost to me when it happened to me. I was wearing an updo similiar to my avatar pic & one of my friends looked at me with a serious frown & said "will you ever relax your hair again?" I asked her why, & she replied well, you just look so different. I'm not used to seeing you like this. The only thing I could say was, oh well, I can't wait until I find a t-shirt that reads "happy 2 B nappy!" She just shook her head. lol
Your hair is gorgeous and that chick is rude. Ill mannered people like that make me sick.:ohwell: If she had nothing nice to say, she should have kept her yap shut.:rolleyes: As a transitioner, I envy natural women who can style their hair. Maybe someday she will change her mind about the beauty of natural hair.
So, I was at work and my hair was just slicked back in a low pony puff and my customer says, "Whew, I know your mom is glad she don't have to deal with that anymore."

I just laughed it off, and then she goes on to tell me how her daughter's was difficult to do and that now her daughter relaxes her hair bone straight. All this time I'm thinking "Did I ask all that?"

Anyway, before she left she made another smart comment talking about "I would say good luck with the hair, but that's kinda mean." Uh yeah, but you still made sure you said it huh? Just rude:nono:

*Her hair was relaxed and looked healthy, so I don't think there was a jealousy issue, I don't know. She probably didn't realize how rude she was being. Whatever, just thought I would share.*

Sheesh! People amaze me more and more every day with their rudeness. :nono:

It's one thing to ask out of curiousity if you have trouble caring for your natural hair. It's quite another to make snide-commented assumptions.

See, this is why people think i'm mean/b!tchy. When she said, "I know your mom is glad she don't have to deal with that anymore," I woulda set the record straight. My mama loved doing my hair, and dressing me in cute girly clothes with matching ribbons in my hair. And that is why I had long hair as a little girl, unlike many of these kids with effed-up hair walking around today. :perplexed When she started talking about how she couldn't handle her daughter's hair, I woulda simply told her that's probably because she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. And that back-handed "good luck" comment... I woulda told her straight-up: "Yes, that would be mean of you. Good thing you decided not to say it."

I swear I'm a nice person :lol: I'm just so sick of all this freakin rudeness!
I would have wanted to tell her, "Don't pity me. My hair is fabulous. And it needs much less "working over" to achieve my look than it does to get yours." ;)
Your hair is beautiful, OP. I am glad you had such a good attitude!! I knew I had fully transitioned mentally when I was able to smile, laugh and shake off rude and stupid comments. Blank stares are awesome too:yep:.